Friday, November 7, 2008

Old Farmer's Almanac

I know I shouldn't start worrying about winter yet. It is a little cloudy out right now, and sprinkling a little, but it is pretty warm out. The past week it has been in the 60's. That's great for being November. But I can't help thinking about the up coming winter.

Last winter here in New Hampshire, we had a record breaking winter. We had the most snow that we have had in over 100 years! We got over 102 inches of snow! I really hope we don't get that again this winter. So I decided to check the Old Farmer's Almanac for their predictions. I love looking at the Old Farmer's Almanac and usually get a copy of it for my husband for Christmas.

So their predictions for my part of the country is that winter will be colder than usual. Yuck. And precipitation will be near or slightly above normal, with below-normal snowfall in the north and above-normal snowfall in the south. Great I'm in the south of my state so I guess we could get a lot of snow! I don't mean to complain, but winter is my least favorite season! Looks like I might need to get out those tire chains soon.


  1. I would love one big snow here in TN. I also am a fan of the FA!!

  2. yupe, we are in for a pounding this winter too. Snowbird (UT) just up the hill, opened for skiing today ! more snow is on the way this weekend. I kinda like it tho :)

  3. We are supposed to get snow showers here in Illinois today. :( I love the new look!

  4. I hate winter! I heard someone say the Farmers Almanac reported we here in Arkansas are supposed to have an exceptionally hard winter. Happy happy joy joy.
