Imagine these computer problems, if you actually are running a small business from your computer. Small businesses can't afford to have their computers run slowly or freeze up for a half hour or more. They need to have their computers running as efficiently as possible. In order to do business they must have the optimal performance from their computers.
If you have a small business, or are just a blogger like me, then it might be time to start thinking about upgrading to Windows Vista. You can upgrade very easily, and their support team will be there to help. They have free coaching and support available for small business owners. Their specially trained agents are there to help from 10 am to 7 pm. Call them with any questions, such as: compatibility questions, if Windows Vista is right for your business or any other questions you might have. They are there to help.
I know I get very frustrated when my computer freezes, never mind running a business off of it. So if you are a small business owner then you can feel good about upgrading to Windows Vista with confidence.

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