Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Blogoversary to Me!

Today is STAY AT HOME MOM'S 6 month Blogoversary! I started this blog back on January 17, 2008.

In some ways it doesn't seem that long ago and in other ways it seems longer. I've learned a lot in the past 6 months. From the first days of just trying to set my blog up. Dealing with html (which I had no clue about), RSS Feeds, and just getting things to work right!

Now things run a little smoother, for the most part and I hope to continue blogging. I look forward to another 6 months when I can celebrate my One Year Blogoversary! Thanks all my new online friends for making STAY AT HOME MOM's first 6 months fun!

In honor of my 6 month blogoversary here is my TOP 6 Posts (according to me and one's I still get hits on.) Check out some of these posts if you already haven't. And thanks again for all your support!

1.Washing Your Shower Curtain Liner

2.The Spaghetti Stain Versus the Plastic Container

3.Freeze Your Bananas

4.My Family'sTrip to Disney World (Part I)

5.My Family'sTrip to Disney World (Part II)

6.How To Get Water Out of Ears


  1. What a great day! Congratulations!!

  2. Hi
    Thanks to add my site in your blog
    Your site has been add in my site as exchange link. Do you want me to add your site in my blog again? If you want , just let me know

    The Success

  3. oh wow! congratulations. hehhe i haven't really kept track of mine. but that is nice of you. keep up the good work! :)

  4. Happy Blogoversary, Sue! To a lot more successful months with blogging!

  5. Congratulations!!!! Here's to 6 more months.

  6. Congrats, and keep up the good work!

  7. Hi Sue,
    Way to go on your first 6 months of blogging. You have a bunch of loyal readers & friends. Have fun blogging & I think you are one nice lady! :-)

  8. Congrats!! You are my hero for the day - I'm not even half way to 6 months yet!! ;)

  9. Congrats and Happy Blogoversary to you!!!!! :)

  10. Happy blogaversary! :D I never get track on mine hehe...Doing good. Blogging is fun for stay at home mom's.

  11. Congrats! May you have many more months, years with blogging!

  12. Happy 6-months, the cake looks delicious!

  13. hAPPy blogversary :). me too, it's my third year of blogging and I feel that there's still so much to learn, keep it up! :)

  14. Happy Bloggaverery!!!! Love that cake is it pretty!

  15. I came back over here to let you know that I found the answers to your questions on my blog...since a few asked me about it I did a blog post. I hope you don't mind me telling you this.

  16. Congratulations!!!

  17. Congrats my dear, may your blog be even more successful:)
    P.S. Yummy cake

  18. Congrats, Sue! Keep on blogging! :)

    By the way, already linked u up. Happy weekend!
