Yea! Red Sox are in first place again in the AL East Division going into the All Star Break. The Tampa Bay Rays did us a favor by losing their last 7 games.
The last few games by the Red Sox have been great. We swept the Minnesota Twins, winning one of the games 18-5! And the other day one of my favorite players Kevin Youkilis got his first career Grand Slam! YOUK!!
When Youkilis gets up to bat the crowed yells "Youk" the whole time he is up. And on TV and at the games it can sound like people are saying "boo." It's kind of funny the fans are actually cheering him but for those who don't know it can sound like he is getting booed. The game I went to last year the family in front of me was from NJ and the woman was like why are they booing him? It was funny!
I hope after the Break, one of my other favs comes back. David Ortiz, or "Big Pappi." It's looking good for his return after the Break. We need his home run slugging capabilities. I would love for the Red Sox to win The World Series again!
Last year my husband bought me a huge Red Sox magnet for my car. Someone I know said you must be a pretty big Red Sox fan, I wasn't sure at first how she knew or why she was saying that, but it was because she saw the magnet on my car!
The All Star Game is on tonight at 8:00 PM on Fox. With 7 Red Sox picked for the Team. That's more than any other MBL Team. Youkilis, Pedroia, and J.D. Drew, will be playing in their first All Star Game. Also for the Red Sox will be Ortiz (who won't really play), Varitek, Ramirez and Papelbon.
Well, that's my update on the Red Sox. Can't wait for the next half! Go Sox!
I am trying to like baseball. Hubby is a Cubs fan and likes baseball and it appears that my little one is going to be a baseball fan - so Mom is trying...