Wednesday, January 30, 2013

WW "Retired Books"

One thing that is cool about where I live now, is the library system. We have access to I think like 13 different libraries, in surrounding towns.

My daughter needed a book for her reading class at school, so we looked online and found the book. It was located in a library we hadn't been to yet. We went there last week and found the book. We looked around and it is a pretty cool library. They also have a good DVD selection.

Here's something interesting I found:

There was some shelves of books. If you can't read the sign above, it says "Retired Books, Looking for a Home, Please Help." 

I never heard of "retired books" before. These looked like perfectly good books to me. But hey what the heck so far I've taken like 6 books from this. And I get to keep them and not worry about returning them on time (which I'm kinda bad at.) Well next time I go there, I'll look for some more.


  1. What a great idea to give books a second home. I hope others find it as well. Followed you from SITS.

  2. That is VERY cool. Our library will put out old issues of magazines for free, but I've never seen anything like this. How nice.

  3. We see retired books all the time… there's just not enough shelf space!

    Visiting you from Wordless Wednesday Bloggers and The Jenny Evolution! Here's my post -

  4. books never retire. but if it makes them cheaper than okay

    1. That's what I was thinking Alicia - books never retire?

  5. Yes, I've been to book sales at libraries. Didn't think of that, thanks for stopping by

  6. Our library's retirement shelf holds book, music, movies, and games but usually for $1. The money goes back into the library so it is a win-win situation!
