Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CBD Oil – What is this new product?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, as it is commonly known, is a natural product derived from hemp. CBD oil has become a popular product in recent times, and it is touted as a cure for everything from acne to anxiety, however there are no FDA approved studies to prove these claims.

Hemp contains cannabidiol that is related to marijuana, but it has none of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which are the components that induce a high. CBD and THC are related compounds in the cannabinoid family, and for a long time, they were treated as the same by the FDA. That changed in December 2015 when the FDA reclassified CBD and THC – the active compounds in hemp and marijuana.

Another similar compound is Hemp oil, which is made from the seeds of the hemp plant. Hemp oil is free from both THC and CBD and is an excellent oil for the skin and cooking. Hemp oil is a popular ingredient in moisturizers and soaps. It is often used as a carrier in CBD products.

Many manufacturers, such as theviolettacompany.com are making a variety of different products with CBD included. We explore below what CBD oil is.

What can contain CBD?

There is a multitude of products that now contain CBD. From straight CBD oil to moisturizers.

CBD oil can be in the form of capsules or be added to food products for easier ingestion.

Capsules are a much more regulated dose – a specific amount of CBD oil is put into an easily digestible oil in a soft capsule. A consumer can buy these capsules in boxes or in bottles. The manufacturer puts a suggested dosage on the outside label. Capsules are easy to swallow and convenient to use.

A tincture is CBD mixed with a fractionated oil or another solvent. Tinctures are taken in drops. Tinctures can come with marked droppers to make dosing easier, but one drop is not necessarily the same size as another drop, making tinctures more challenging to be accurate with.

CBD is available as a gel, cream, and oil. This makes it easy to use for pain relief in specific areas. A cooling gel, for example, will provide relief for back pain sufferers who can rub a small amount on the site of pain.

Some companies are experimenting with CBD containing moisturizers to help people with skin problems. While there are no specific studies as to whether CBD does help with problems such as acne, studies are showing that it can help with inflammation and pain, therefore helping issues such as acne and rosacea.

FDA recommendations

The FDA states that products containing CBD are classified as supplements and labeled accordingly with precise dosage and ingredients on the back label. They state that CBD is not a cure for specific diseases and should not be sold as such. While there are no recommended manufacturing standards, many companies are following their own high standards to ensure that a quality product is shipped out to consumers.

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