
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

WW Another post on Recent Happenings

sorry guys for not updating my blog in a long time. stuff is not good at the moment. my Mom is really sick in hospital, and it is very bad so please pray for her because I am very upset about this and am going up to visit her very soon because it doesn't look positive at the moment.

a few pictures

my husband and I decided to go camping a couple of weeks ago, we have a camper but we bought a tent for short trips.. this is the first time in 20 years we went without kids.

we also have been flying a kite

this is a barbie one my daughter got since then we also got a better turtle one

do you remember that trip I said we took to Washington DC well it was to see Dan & Phil. Do you know who they are? they are youtubers my daughter loves. we also paid extra for the meet & greet. she was super happy. and we got to see their show after too.

well will update again soon. as they say here in the south have a blessed day.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

June Harlequin Blog Tour: Her Rancher Bodyguard #giveaway

today's book in the June Harlequin blog tour is Her Rancher Bodyguard by, Brenda Minton. Here is a cool topic/recipe from the author.

Bon Appétit and a Book:

One of our favorite recipes for a light lunch, a snake or appetizer is Smoked Tuna Dip. Since I tend to make up recipes as I go,  this is ‘too taste.’   
C:\Users\brenda\Pictures\tuna dip.jpg

Saturday, June 11, 2016

June Harlequin Blog Tour: Bought for the Greek’s Revenge #giveaway

Hello to you! Today's book in the June book tour is Bought for the Greek's Revenge, by Lynne Graham.

Here is some info from the author. The Author's Writing Space:

Where the magic happens…
Every writer has a different process, but for me one of the most important parts of creating a story is where I do it. I have a room in my house that is solely mine. I fill it with all the things that inspire me. It has hundreds of books, maps, guides to far flung places where I set my romances. But it’s very much a working room.

I start writing at 9.00 am and work on through to 5.00pm. The only members of the family allowed in to my writing room are my three dogs. They curl up underneath my desk and keep me company. Most of the time they behave! Occasionally if I’m stuck on a plot, then I’ll take them for a walk and by the time I’m back in my room, all the kinks are magically resolved.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Helping Your Child Unwind and Relax During the School Year

Even though school for most children and high school will soon have a summer break doesn’t mean they haven’t had an unforgettable school year. However, even though school is usually a great time for your kids to socialize and learn, it can be stressful as well.
School can also cause your child to experience anxiety due to bullies or just because they’re going through growing pains. If your child suffers from stress from time to time, they may be having a hard time concentrating and getting assignments completed at school. If this is the case, as opposed to getting frustrated that you can’t help your children when stress overwhelms them, come up with ways for them to cope. Here are a few ways you can help them relax when the going gets rough.
Encourage them to have “me” time
School is tiring and exciting at the same time. So that your child doesn’t get burned out (especially if they’ll be heading to summer school soon), it’s important for them to set aside time to unwind. During high school, it may be easy for them to get caught up in friendships, a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or hyper focused on getting the best grades. All of that is important, but so is self-discovery and growth. Without that, anxiety will take place, and it’s important for them to stay calm and happy during the years spent in high school as opposed to not feeling at peace.
Encourage the school to upgrade their playground equipment
Over time playground equipment can rust and decay, which can lead to injuries if equipment gets too worn down. Sometimes a school can get so caught up in focusing their money on other things that they forget about playground equipment and other essentials. Encourage the board to consider purchasing playground equipment for schools not only to keep the kids safe but to have an upgraded look in at their school.
Have them try natural supplements to decrease anxiety
If anxiety does play a part in a child’s life, and they are having a hard time controlling it, there are natural supplements that can help decrease anxiety. There’s a supplement called Rhodiola Rosea, which is derived from the root of a plant and is used to relieve anxiety, stress, physical and mental fatigue, and even a depressed mood. Of course, first consult with your child’s doctor, but most vitamins and natural supplements should be fine to implement into their diet.
Have them exercise regularly and enjoy nature
Even though your child is working hard in school, that doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t take a time to exercise and enjoy the great outdoors. In fact, if your child suffers from stress and anxiety getting involved in a sport such as hiking will help improve his outlook on life and this activity will also help him experience something outside of school. No matter how tough the school year may be, think of ways to help your child through it. Tell him to take deep breaths, continue to smile, and discover ways that will help him de-stress and enjoy school.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Fun and Affordable Gifts for a Loved One

Are you tired of figuring out what to buy for a family member when their birthday rolls around? Sometimes it takes time to get a list from your kids or figure out a budget that will work! Instead of worrying what to get your loved one as a present, think of gifts that the entire family can enjoy together. It will encourage the family to do more activities together if you decide on something like a museum membership or a trip to Disneyland. This is especially nice if you have younger children and would like to do more interactive activities with them, as well.
Explain to your loved ones before their birthday arrives that, even though they will still get a gift specific to what they want such as authentic pipe band gear to support their new Scottish hobby, you might incorporate some gifts that’ll encourage some family fun with a variety of family members as well! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Family membership to a local zoo or museum
A gift that’s sure to get the entire family excited is a family membership to a local museum or the zoo. Provide an entire year of free entertainment for your family - just make sure it’s an activity the person who is having the birthday will actually enjoy! A creative present like a family museum pass will promote learning and also produce more time that you and the special birthday member can spend with the family.
If you do go with this option, be sure to pick out a museum that belongs to the Association of Children’s Museums or the Association of Science because this means you will also get free admission to many other museums that are located throughout the US. That way if you plan to travel you’ll be all set!
Movie tickets
If your kids are old enough to sit and watch movies in the movie theater, buy movie tickets in bulk to save money and get everyone excited to see movies. Ask the child who is having a birthday what they would like to see and then bundle up the entire family in the car to watch a family film. This is a great present if your family members are movie goers and plus you can come up with a creative way to wrap this present, such as putting together a basket full of popcorn, candy, and the movie tickets combined.
Family entertainment centers

If your family is in need or has been wanting a few new entertaining décor pieces in your home, why not invest in a family entertainment center which could include a pool table and a game center or an aquarium to add to an ocean themed home, for example. Simple touches added to a home will promote interactivity between your children, and you may also want to be a part of the fun too!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

WW More Dance Pictures

Hey guys still a lot going on right now, but didn't know if you were still interested in some more dance/recital pictures that I have.

above is the professional pics taken of her (ballet, theater jazz, pointe) I didn't get the hip hop or contemporary prof. done - see my last post for pics of those costumes I took myself.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

June Harlequin Blog Tour: Wed by Fortune & #giveaway

Hey everyone. I have 3 more books this month for the June Harlequin blog tour. Today I am spotlighting the book Wed by Fortune, by Judy Duarte.
