
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

WW Another post on Recent Happenings

sorry guys for not updating my blog in a long time. stuff is not good at the moment. my Mom is really sick in hospital, and it is very bad so please pray for her because I am very upset about this and am going up to visit her very soon because it doesn't look positive at the moment.

a few pictures

my husband and I decided to go camping a couple of weeks ago, we have a camper but we bought a tent for short trips.. this is the first time in 20 years we went without kids.

we also have been flying a kite

this is a barbie one my daughter got since then we also got a better turtle one

do you remember that trip I said we took to Washington DC well it was to see Dan & Phil. Do you know who they are? they are youtubers my daughter loves. we also paid extra for the meet & greet. she was super happy. and we got to see their show after too.

well will update again soon. as they say here in the south have a blessed day.

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