
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Update on Husband's Health

My husband found out last week that he has the very early signs of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.) He has to use an inhaler (for an undertermined amount of time) 2 times a day.

And he has stopped smoking. This is the number one cause of COPD. He is using the nicotine patch and has been doing pretty well on it so far. He has no choice now but to stop smoking or in 10 or more years he will get worse and won't be able to breath without oxygen. That's what the doctor told him.

He is going back to the doctors in 3 weeks to get an update on how his condition is. This was a very stressful week of finding out he needed a catscan to look at his lungs and then waiting to find out the results. And then to hear he has the very early stages of COPD. I really hope he sticks with the quitting smoking. I'm praying he can do it!

After this stressful week, I need a stay at one of the
luxury hotel rooms somewhere!


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My Dad has COPD and has for about 10 years. He smoked from the age of 15 until he was diagnosed around 45. It is very hard for him a daily basis to live comfortably. He uses several different inhalers and has had to use my Mom's asthma medication at times. I know how hard it is for my Dad, so I really have your husband in my thoughts.

  2. Oh, and my Dad quit cold turkey the night he was rushed to the ER and diagnosed. So, my thoughts are also with your husband wishing him the strength to quit as well.

  3. So sorry about your husband. Hopefully the cold hard truth will be what he needs to quit smoking for good! I know it can be hard. Good luck!

  4. I am sorry that your husband has COPD. It is good that they caught it early. I had a lot of problems when I wanted to stop smoking. For me I hated the smell. Perhaps you can figure out something he hates about it too.

  5. Sue,

    I am sorry to read about this. I join you in your wish that he gives up cigarette smokes permanently.

    Godspeed to his full recovery and that he maintains vigilance over his health.


  6. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog.. Keep up the good work.. Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!

  7. I am so sorry to hear this, your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. I used to be a smoker and know how hard quitting can be, I but it sure is worth it. I pray the update goes well.

  8. With God all things are possible! Good thing he found this early though.

  9. Hi Sue,
    It is a good thing he did find out about this in an early stage. Glad your husband is taking better care of his health now. I really hope he sticks with the quitting smoking too. Keep the faith and many Blessings for your family.

  10. Oh goodness! I hope that him quiting smoking wont be too hard on him and his health will improve!

  11. so sorry to hear about your hubby. at least hes made a start by quitting smoking. i really hope it helps and he can be cured x

  12. Quitting is hard, but it doesn't get easier it seems...
    may he come to full recovery.

  13. Keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. If things get worse or you don't feel that you are getting the best medical care I highly recommend National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado. They really helped me get my astham and allergy stuff under control so that I could breathe again. They also are rated the number 1 respiratory hospital for a huge number of years running by top magazines and such. Just something to keep in the back of your head. A lot of people travel there from all over the US and the world to get the best help when it seems that nobody else can help them.

  14. Oh goodness! Well I am glad he is doing well with the quitting. I know from experience how difficult a task this can be!

    I hope his report in 3 weeks is good! I can't imagine how much this stresses you out!!!

    Thoughts and prayers with you!!!

  15. I'm thinking of you husband and hoping he's ok. My dad was diagnosed with COPD a few years ago. He just went to the dr. week who said his lungs are looking great.
