
Friday, March 6, 2009

Looking At The Sky On Friday


For more participants visit Tish's blog: CrazyWorkingMom

The following pictures were taken on top of Mount Monadnock. My husband, 2 kids, my sister and her boyfriend, and I all climbed it 2 summers ago. There are 100-mile views to points in all six New England states. Mount Monadnock is said to be the second most frequently climbed mountain, second to Japan's Mt. Fuji.




  1. Beautiful! I am partial to New England landscapes, I was born in Newort, VT and spent summers in Vermont and New Hampshire.

    Tabbikat's Thoughts

  2. that is one spectacular view. i havent climbed a mountain for about 11 years lol

  3. That is a pretty view, Sue. I can't remember if I climbed that one or not.
    I lived in New Hampshire for three years back in the early 60's. Most all of N.E. got visited, it is sooooo pretty there. I saw a lot from the perch of my little Vespa motor scooter.

  4. Wow Sue i found you again. I'm not playing in this one but, wanted to drop by and say hi.


  5. the green and blue are so vivid

    I have never climbed a mountain, sounds like a wonderful family adventure

  6. Wow how gorgeous! That is awesome that you and your family accomplished that!

  7. Hi Sue,
    That is a very nice view. I think that is pretty neat that you all got to climb this. My family got to go up Elephant Rock, one year with my in-laws. Was so happy, when we made it to the top. Have a great weekend! :-)

  8. It's been a while since I climbed a mountain for a view like that, but looking at your photos makes me want to search my archives! Hope you don't mind that I entered all 3 blogs where I played this week in the Mr. Linky!
    Hugs and blessings,
    Happily Retired Gal
    aka storyteller

  9. I have alot of great giveaway going on at my blog right now and would love to invite you to partake on them :)
