
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My New Domain

Hey everyone. I just bought my own domain name! I bought it through Blogger. My new URL is:

I hope this works right. It's something I've wanted to do for awhile. The only down side is I think I'll lose all my Technorati authority. But I don't have any kind of Page Rank anyway so that won't matter.

It said it could take a up to 3 days to work. So for now I think it will still go to my old URL until then. But in 3 days or less, it will show my new URL. I hope I did this right!?!?


  1. Congrats for having your own domain! Can I link you in my blog? Thx!

  2. Congrats! Have you changed your badge yet? Let me know so I can relink you!

  3. Hi Sue, That is great that you have your own domain name now. I think you might have lost your Alexa ranking, but you get a lot of traffic, so it won't take you long to get that back. I will add your new link to my blog list. Take care and have a great day! :-)

  4. thanks for the comments. It's kind of a bummer losing all the rankings. I hope it doesn't take long to get my Alexa back up.

  5. Hi Sue, I am visiting via, everything seems to be working just fine! Congrats on getting your own domain name. It shouldn't take long to get your Alexa rank back. I will change your link on my blog roll right now! Take care! :)
