
Saturday, April 17, 2021

DIY Fashion Tips: Ideas for Upcycling Your Preloved T-Shirts

Stumbling across a mountain of preloved t-shirts at the bottom of a wardrobe can be an unsightly and daunting occasion, to say the least. 

For those of you wanting to put those t-shirts to good use, however, the many benefits of upcycling are here to help. 

One of the best parts about upcycling is that it can be done relatively cheaply, with little more than a keen eye for detail and a vision. 

Here are some tips you might want to think about should you wish to start your next DIY project from the comfort of your own bedroom. 

Transforming Them into a Dress

Ideal for any oversized shirts, why not change the concept entirely and make a beautiful summer dress out of your old t-shirts. 

It can be done relatively quickly with a sewing machine and some high-quality scissors, so if you wanted to save money on a new addition to your summer wardrobe, it might be the way to go. 

T-Shirt Blanket

If you cannot bring yourself to part with your preloved items, but you no longer get any joy out of wearing them, then you might want to look at the fantastic services from They can help you to transform your old t-shirts into a truly one-of-a-kind blanket by incorporating your favorite designs to make a highly personal, functional item. 

Anyone who needs to do a big clear-out anytime soon might find this hugely beneficial. This way, you do not have to simply throw out your old t-shirts, which can be a highly upsetting time indeed. 

Make Your Own Tote Bags

One can simply never have enough tote bags. For anyone who loves the classic tote bag's look and wants to design a completely unique shopping accessory of their very own, your old t-shirts can be the perfect companion. 

Furthermore, you do not even have to commit to any sewing whatsoever, as all it takes is a great pair of scissors and some chopping skills. 

Frame Them

For the music lovers among you, you might want to think about searching your wardrobe for any old concert t-shirts you might have picked up at a gig, and instead of letting it hide away out of sight, you could frame it and make it the pride of your bedroom wall. 

This can be especially cool for any limited-edition gig t-shirts that might have been tour-exclusive. Plus, you can show off your fantastic taste in music to your friends. 

Donate to Charity

Donating is a great way to ensure that your t-shirts will find a new home and live out their days in the loving hands of another who might need its benefits much more than you. 

There are many stores constantly on the lookout for people willing to donate their preloved t-shirts and many good causes, both locally and internationally.

Upcycling your old t-shirts can be fun, cost-efficient, and of course, free up some much-needed room in the closet.

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