
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Funpump Mini Bike Pump with Ball Needle and Bicycle Tire Patch Set #review

Hey everyone, sorry I have been absentee lately. I will explain in a later post hopefully soon. But anyway, I've got a cool review for you. I have to get this up super quick, so go to Amazon for full info on this product. And It is a great product called funpump - mini bike pump.

Here is some pictures and videos I took using this pump.

the funpump is easy to use and compact too which is cool. this would be good to carry with you on your bike too. (pictures and videos below are one's I took myself - c +STAY AT HOME MOM )

son pumping up an old basketball we had lying around and now we can use again!

now husband blowing up one of our bike tires (*note this is a really old bike/tire):

click link to purchase the Premium Mini Bike Pump on Amazon, currently $17.99. I would recommend this to you and we didn't have a pump like this and I wanted to get one so was happy I got this one to review.

disclosure: free product received to review. *may contain affiliate links.

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