
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Improve the Quality of Your Photography with These Tips

Whether you’re a novice to photography or skilled at the craft, there’s always more to learn. Photography is something in which you can always improve. As you know, photography has a lot to do with decision-making and living in the moment. But besides living in the moment, there are always more tips to learn such as the more you take pictures, the better you’ll become. Here are some photography tips to work on so you can improve the quality of your photography.
Dream About Your Shot
The more you dream about your shot, the more likely it will be magical! Pre-visualize in your mind what you would like your shot to look like and think about the steps you need to take to get that shot. That way when it’s time to take that shot you’ll be ready to take a picture of exactly what you’ve been visualizing.
Keep the Background Clean
Keep in mind that your background has everything to do with your shot, so before you take your pictures think about where you plan to place your subject. For example, if you’re working on your California landscape photography, think about an ocean backdrop. The background is already simple and clutter free, so it will be the perfect location to shoot your subject, especially at sunset! Come up with the perfect background and everything should come into focus.
Enhance Your Shots with Light Trails  
Heard of light trails? Light trails are essentially added light to a shot in the form of a moving light that you can capture at both dawn and night. Use cars or any other moving light to add drama, mood and interest to your shots. These shots will come out fascinatingly!
Read Your Manual
Sounds boring, right? Camera manuals may not be that engaging, but they can teach you a lot about your camera. Spend ten minutes daily to read your manual and to learn as much as possible about your camera. That way when you take shots, you’ll be more familiar with your camera and will know how to answer any questions that come up. Most manuals are also available online so you can save it to your smartphone and read it on the go as well.
Shoot Daily
Just like any hobby or profession, the more you practice, the better you’ll become! Try to bring your camera with you everywhere, even if you’re using your cell phone. Photography is photography, so even if you don’t have your DSLR don’t be afraid to take that shot of the sunset or cute doggy. You don’t necessarily have to have your full DSLR kit to take great shots.
Clouds are Your Best Friend
Don’t ever be afraid of clouds. In fact, think of them as your photography best friend. Dramatic skies are stunning and the more fluffy white clouds, the better. If it’s overcast with a lot of clouds, the sky is now a giant softbox. If you want to take pictures of waterfalls or streams now is the time to do just that.

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