
Friday, December 26, 2014

Organic Greens #Giveaway and #Review ARV $130

Hi guys! I'm really excited to host a giveaway for you, and review this product. It is from the company Dr.Mercola.

I received a 6.35 oz container of Organic Greens

Here is info from company about Organic Greens

Green Superfood Supplement: One Easy Way to Get
Some of the Nutritional Goodness of Abundant Green
Leafy Foods – And More

As ideal as it may sound, consuming all those vegetables are a challenge for the majority of individuals. After many years of research and development, my team and I have come up with what I consider a “green superfood supplement” for helping to increase your daily nutrient intake when you can’t get all of the vegetables and green leafy foods that are recommended.
I wanted a total solution to today’s less-than-optimal diets. I wanted a high-quality formula that would meet the following criteria:
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Easily taken with shakes, smoothies, and protein powder drinks
  • Provide a simple way to get your nutrients with your protein
  • No strong, unpleasant “green” taste
  • Sweetened with organic stevia extract
  • Include powdered forms of an assortment of organic vegetables plus organic cereal grasses from North America
  • Contain two of my top green superfoods – Chlorella and Spirulina
  • Provide an organic Mushroom Blend for immune support*
  • Contain exceptional alkalizing extracts that provide antioxidant benefits, including one of Japan’s best kept secrets – Green Matcha – Apple, and Green Tea* 
  • Provide two of my favorite adaptogen ingredients – Maca Root and Rhodiola
  • Contain all tested non-GMO and gluten free ingredients

My review

I love the fact that I can use this and get my daily dose of veggies and greens all in one serving. I tried some, I just mixed a scoop full - of the powder, scoop is included with 6 oz. water. Stir a little and you are ready to drink. I like very cold water with this. And I will even add a little ice to it to to make it colder.

This is very easy to use and mixes really well. The taste is great and I really like that I am getting a green superfood supplement all in one drink!

I would really recommend this product to you and please enter giveaway below!

Giveaway - one winner will win:

  1. one container of Organic Greens
  2. one bottle Spiru Blue
  3. two tins Royal Matcha Green Tea

ARV $130

Please visit: the Dr. Mercola Organics Green page. there is a lot of useful product information there.
You can also buy products from there also.

disclosure: I received one product to review for free. The rest is being supplied by sponsor for giveaway. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was given.

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