
Monday, November 17, 2014

Runners Choice #Review & #Giveaway {3 winners}

Disclosure: I received free product to facilitate review. Sponsor is responsible for giveaway fulfillment . All opinions are my own.

I have another review and giveaway for you from Trusted Health Products.

This time it is for the product called Runners Choice.

Here is product info for you:

Winning Tactics for Running a Marathon
The Runner’s Choice is for the discomfort of sore feet. It is designed for people that are on their feet all day or for people that run 3 miles or more at a time. After you try this product the first time, you will be back for more.
The Power to Excel
 The Runner’s Choice is scientifically formulated with 100% natural botanical oils of almond, eucalyptus, eucalytol, wintergreen, peppermint, and spearmint. Unlike many commercial creams and lotions, the botanical oils in The Runner’s Choice are very easily received through the pores in the skin, with simple topical application, and no rubbing.
 Apply to feet immediately before and after running, jogging, or when you will be on your feet for long periods of time. Coat the bottom of your feet, between the toes and the top and 2 inches above the ankle for best results. Do not rub in (rubbing is not required for effectiveness). Wash hands after use. Avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive tissue. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use on open wounds.

Unlike many commercial creams and lotions, which require rubbing in, the botanical oils in The Runner’s Choice are most effective with gentle topical application, and no rubbing. The body recognizes the natural properties of these botanicals, and receives them very well as they gently soak through the pore openings in the outer layer (epidermis) of the skin.

My review:

the smell of this is quite strong! but once applied to your feet - you will love it! I have been doing a lot of walking lately and this has been great for my feet. Since I think I may need new sneakers but haven't gotten them yet. My feet hurt afterwards so - this product is great.

I also wanted my husband to try it too. Because his job requires him to stand up pretty much all day. So his feet are usually really hurting by the time he gets home from work. He tested this out one day and said it felt great on his feet. He may have to give it a go some more!

I also like that this is made from 100% natural ingredients. Ingredients are: Oils of Almond, Eucalyptus, Eucalytol, Wintergreen, Peppermint and Spearmint.  So even if though this is great for runners. It is also great for anyone who needs some relief for their feet. And could be beneficial for anyone who is on their feet a lot.

if you would like to try this yourself - here is message from company:

For a limited time, the manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out The Runner’s Choice and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. This is a one-time only offer! Click here to get your FREE bottle now!

If you would like to win one here is giveaway - 3 winners will win a bottle of Runner's Choice.The giveaway winners - U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia residents only!
Eligibility Requirement: You – or anyone in your household - may win one bottle of The Runner’s Choice one time only. Previous winners please do not apply.


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