
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What Should You Tip Your Wedding Limo Driver?

A recent poll from Wedding Bee found that 26% of people hired a limo driver for their wedding. Most people understand the benefits of using a limo, but are unsure what to leave for a tip. Here are some suggestions to bear in mind.

Read Your Contract First

You will want to read the contract with your limo driver before tipping the driver. Many contracts stipulate that the tip is already included in the invoice. You can still give a higher tip if you want, but aren’t obligated to.
Other contracts specify the tip that you are required to pay, but don’t include it in the service charges. You will need to make sure that you comply with it.

Determining a Reasonable Gratuity

Many limo companies don’t discuss tipping in their contracts. You will need to decide what a fair gratuity is on your own. Here are some general guidelines.
Consider Time Driving Before Paying a Flat Rate
Many people want to pay a flat rate tip rather than a percent of the overall ride. This isn’t necessarily wrong, but it is only feasible if you aren’t driving a long distance. If you are using the limo sparingly, then $50 per driver is generally fair.
However, if you are going to be relying heavily on your limo, then you should pay a percentage of the contract instead. Most people feel that a fair tip is about 15%.
Consider Service Quality and Work Involved
You will also need to consider the quality of service and the amount of work involved on the driver’s part. A limo driver that provides exceptional service deserves a better tip than the standard 15%.
Find Out the Standard Fee for a Free Service
Some catering companies provide complimentary limo rides for their customers. You should be grateful to receive a free ride, but don’t forget to tip the driver. Find out what the Wedding Limo Service is charging the caterer beforehand to calculate a fair tip.
Consider Tipping Beforehand for Special Requests
You may also want to consider offering an additional tip before the drive if you are planning on making any special requests. For example, you may want to drive out of your way to pick somebody up. You could also want help to get a disabled friend into the limo, so should consider tipping them.

Make Sure All Guests Tip

You will want to make sure that all guests understand the importance of tipping. Discuss the tipping plans with them beforehand and try to encourage everyone to leave a fair tip for the service. You may want to pool your tips to make it easier for the driver.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored guest post. 

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