
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

WW Dress Code

My daughter's school is very strict this year with Dress Code. There is a new Principle and I think she is really enforcing it this year.

I didn't post this particular pic of my son's HS graduation, because he is looking down, but wanted to show now, because of my daughter. This dress she got at the end of last school year, is a dress she got in trouble for wearing to school this year. 

(c +STAY AT HOME MOM - taken June 2014
The second day of school this year she wore the same dress - actually with a button down denim shirt over it too. But they said it was too short. 

The rules are "mid thigh," which I felt like it was. They called me and then I had to go all the way down to her school with some pants for her.

A week later she wore this skirt:


This is what they call a "skater skirt." I guess. It was mid thigh, but I got another call and they said it was to short in the back. I had to go back down to the school with more clothes, and then she had to get detention after school.

If she gets a third time she will have to do Saturday detention, which is 3 1/2 hrs. Fourth time = suspension!

 Now I am kinda upset about this. I felt like she looked perfectly fine and between the end of last year and beginning of this year I spent over 200 dollars on clothes for her - which now a lot of them they say she can't wear.

Now this weekend she needed some shorts for gym - if they say these Adidas shorts (which I spent a lot of money) on are too short - I'm going to freak.


Also - another point, my husband said to her - just get some more pants like the ones she had on. She said you can't wear these either - they were leggings. You can not wear - leggings, jeggings or yoga pants either. So it doesn't leave a lot of options!

What do you think? Does your school have a dress code, do you agree with dress codes? (PS - this is a public school!) 


  1. This sounds a little ridiculous, did they have a dress code that has specifically length of skirts? They are really out of wack with their demands, I wonder how many other kids are going through the same thing. It seems to me that if everything is covered they should not say anything. Almost time to challenge the school district with other parents.

    1. yea - there was a girl in the office and they said her shirt was to short, because you could see her stomach when she sat down. she was sitting right next to me and I couldn't see anything....

  2. It seems to me like a bit of a dilemma, I am all for dress code enforcement in schools but based on what you are saying here it does seem this particular school is going to the extreme.

  3. My boys are still in elementary school and I think since i have 2 boys, this probably won't be an issue for me, but I get why it's done

  4. I'm kind of a fan of dress codes..sorry...
    The dress wouldn't pass at our school because the straps of tanktops/dresses need to be at least 2 fingers width..and as for length it must pass your fingertips if your arms are down at your side(or mid-thigh/closer to knee)
    Leggings are allowed, but not looked upon nicely..they'll be next to go for sure...but frankly some are so thin that when you bend over etc you can see through them...ick.

  5. My son has got uniform which is nice as we doesnt need to think of what to wear everyday. Hopefully those shorts would be okay. #ww

  6. Lol. My girls also have strict dress codes but we got used to it.

    1. it just irks me - they would rather have you wear sweat pants, which she wore today, then a nice dress
