
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Husband Pics

Sorry for my lack of posting lately. I say this every July - but typically this is the slowest month for blogging for me - I'm lucky if I do 6 to 10 posts all month.

On top of the that my Sister is visiting from Massachusetts this week. So I'm busy this week. Will try to post more soon.

My husband lately is the only one who even wants to pose for pictures. Remember I wrote about How to Train Your Dragon 2 - well we actually went to see that recently. We saw it at an Imax theater and it was cool because my husband with his eyesight actually never could see 3-D - but the Imax he could see the effects.

Husband with glasses:

We went to the beach recently. Husband at beach:

I have some reviews to post & should be posting more soon! Have a great day guys! How is your summer going? 


  1. He looks happy!
    I'm glad you're enjoying your July. We'll be going to Cape Cod this week and I can't wait!!!!

  2. My blog is usually full of pictures of mu husband and son too =) #WW

  3. He looks very happy, and that is very important :)...
    Have a great rest of the week!
