
Friday, June 27, 2014

Discover P&Geveryday Website!

Hello friends! I have recently discovered a really awesome website, I want to talk to you about today. It is the P&Geveryday website.

On P&Geveryday, you will find recipes and tips, new products to try, coupons and samples. You will also find great articles.

I just found an interesting article called Healthy Food Myths: True and False. Since I am really starting to eat a lot healthier, I was really interested in reading this. Here is a brief synopsis of some of the information I found out in this article.

While some foods are deemed "miracles" others are falsely given a bad wrap let's say. Take for example avocados. They are falsely accused of being high in calories. They may be higher than some fruits or veggies, but they are certainly a great veggie too eat. They have so many beneficial minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. they are a great healthy food for you to try!

A myth that is true is the one about blueberries. Blueberries have gotten some attention lately, and rightly so. Blueberries are so good for you, and contain a lot of antioxidants. Which protect cells and also may protect against diseases.


There are more food myths mentioned in this article, which you should check out for yourself. I will just talk about one more though and that is eggs. There is a myth that eggs increase cholesterol. Which is false. As long as your cholesterol is at a healthy level you can enjoy eggs. Which are a good source of protein and contain vitamins and minerals.

 I hope you will check out the website for yourself. On P&Geveryday, you will also be able to find beauty trends and smart tips. New products to try for you and your family.  Coupons and samples. And much more!

P&Geveryday is committed to making everyday just a little easier by helping you make your life full of rewarding moments. It was created by Procter & Gamble which has been establishing brands for the past 175 years and helps people have extraordinary days around the world.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. I really like this website. I first heard about it on a talk show and received some really cool samples from them.

  2. Yes - I will have to check it out more too - lots of good stuff on there :)

  3. Hi Susan! Thank you for stopping by today and welcoming me back.
    I always cook from recipes, so I'll probably like this site.
