
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bravo's Southern Charm ( #SothernCharm #SverveChat)

Last week I was asked to join a campaign through Sverve. It involved Bravo's tv show Southern Charm.

I personally had never heard of this show before that. I decided to catch up on all the previous episodes through ON Demand.

This is a very interesting show - it takes place in Charleston, South Carolina. And revolves around some unique cast of characters. Some include an ex State Treasurer named Thomas Ravenel, a guy named Whitney, who I guess used to make films or something in LA, but now seems to just live with his very rich mother and party.

Then there is Shep, who seems to be the lovable playboy. I kinda don't like him, but then I kinda do. It says on his Bio he is a "Raconteur." Google it.

I guess he just was born into money so he can do whatever he wants. Must be nice.

Also Jenna - who I guess has a really rich "older" boyfriend they never showed, but who pays for her fancy house and everything else.

There is a lot of drama, hookups, parties, eating and drinking on this show. A pregnancy scare, boar hunting, a girl named Kathryn who seems to stir up a lot of the trouble. And more fun stuff. My personal favorite on the show is Cameran. She seems to be one of the few who actually works, and is trying to make a living selling real estate.

There's a few other people I didn't mention but you can check it all out on Bravo to find out more about the cast.

We (me Sverve and a bunch of other bloggers) also had a cool Twitter party Monday night during the show. Monday April 22 is actually the season finale of the show. So I want to catch that! Check out this show for yourself it's highly entertaining!

Disclosure: this was a volunteer based project through Sverve. I received no compensation.

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