
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Red Positivity Bracelet Set Review + Giveaway

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I want to share with you a cool product I got. And I have a giveaway for it too. Read on!

This product is from the company Alexa's Angels

Here's some info about product and company:

Product Details
Positivity Bracelets are a reminder that "attitude is a choice and positivity is contagious!" Packaged as a set of 3 bracelets, the carding explains their pass-it-on concept: "Keep one bracelet for yourself and share the others with loved ones, friends, or even strangers. Be positive! Pass it on and have fun!" Crafted of rhodium and nylon, they are stretch fit, one-size-fits-all bracelets.
About Alexa’s Angels
Women have connected with Alexa’s Angels designs since 1995 when founder Beth Lang first began selling her jewelry creations at art shows across the country. Since then, Beth and “her Angels” have grown Alexa’s Angels into a fashion-forward accessory company well known for its innovative and stylish designs. Each piece is thoughtfully designed to inspire heartfelt emotions. Wearable, giftable and meaningful, designs by Alexa’s Angels create connections and nurture a sense of well being. Proud to be a company with a social conscience, the team at Alexa’s Angels is dedicated to creating, finding and supporting programs that benefit women.

My Review:
The first thing I really liked about this product right away was the packaging. When I checked the mail before I drove into my driveway, the package was in the mailbox. I drove down my driveway and then decided to open it up in the car. Not even knowing what it was or what to expect.

Here is some pictures I took (which I have recreated a little because I tore into it in my car like I said)

card on outside reads
"We are all angels with only one wing - we can fly
only embracing each other"

box laid inside beautiful pink shreds

bracelets inside a beautiful mesh bag

But the packaging alone was so beautiful!( looked better then these pictures but you get the idea)

I have been wearing these braclets (all three myself - until I can maybe give one away) But these are so cool - and have been giving me and reminding me to stay positive. There is also a website called Share Your Positivity - where you post your positive messages or how these bracelets may have helped you and read other's inspirational messages.

Win it: one winner will win their own set of positivity bracelets as pictured above (which is three bracelets) ARV $11.99

Please enter using the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I really like the Attribute bracelet. it lends hope.

  2. Help you live life in a positive light.

  3. I love the different themes and styles!

  4. I would love to win this because I feel like this is my constant theme in living with my twin newborns. Life is so hard, parenting is so hard, everything is so hard... but when I keep a positive attitude, it's much easier!

  5. How amazing. Positive feedback is always welcome.

  6. I like the Gratitudes Block Bracelet. It might look cute with the Positivity Bracelets.

  7. I would like to win this prize and give it as a birthday present for my best friend.

  8. I'd give this to my daughter upon entering college this year, as a reminder to stay positive.

  9. I want to wear to inspire others to be more positive.
    Sherri J

  10. I like the Prayer Boxes.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  11. I would like to win as there are some days which can be rough and wearing these would remind me to stay positive.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
