
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Truvia® Sharing a Sweet Future

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Truvia® Natural Sweetener  for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hi guys - I'm sure you have heard of the brand Truvia® ? Well they are having a charitable initiative. it is called "Sharing a Sweet Future." This initiative is to help the people of Bolivia. I will breifly try to inform you about this, but I really encourage you to click to Learn even more about the Truvia® brand’s initiative here.

Did  you know that everyday over 40 percent of Bolivian families struggle to support their children's most basic food needs? Two thirds of the Bolivian population are below the poverty line and the majority of the countries children are not getting the daily caloric minimum required. And many are suffering from nutritional deficiencies. 

Another widespread problem is many families in the community are using primitive cooking stoves. This has led to harmful smoke exposure and has resulted in other health issues for these families. That is why with the help of World Food Program USA, Truvia® is committed to helping these families to a sweeter future. 

Thanks to the Truvia® charitable initiative 34,705 Bolivian school children have already received more nutritionally balanced school meals. They have also provided locals with 68 fuel efficient stoves, which has allowed over 3 thousand more school children to receive meals in a safer environment.  

Truvia® has created a video series to showcase the hardships of Bolivian families. Now they are asking if everyone could  Share the Truvia® brand’s video to support their Sharing a Sweet Future initiative. $1 feeds 4 kids. 

You can Share the Truvia® brand’s video on Facebook to support their Sharing a Sweet Future initiative. $1 feeds 4 kids. You can also share on Twitter too. Please use this #SweetFuture in your shares, to help show your support for this campaign. And encourage your friends to do the same. You can also Follow Truvia on Twitter and find out more information about this. 

You can also learn more about "Share a Sweet Future" by visiting the Truvia® Sustainability page. Also please visit the Sharing a Sweet Future Facebook App

Watch this video also:


Thank you for taking the time to read this & I hope that you will consider sharing these videos on your social media outlets. Thank you.

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  1. What a great cause. I had no idea about the primitive cooking stoves having such harmful effects. I will share the video too!

  2. I love Truvia and I think this is a great cause.

  3. What Truvia is doing is amazing! I love Truvia too. Great post.
