
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WW - Awesome Sunset

I've got to sit through 2 1/2 hrs of dance classes a week, for my daughter. I mostly sit out in my car and read, listen to music & or play on my tablet.

Last week, while I was doing so, a beautiful sunset came upon me.

The sky was actually even pinker then showing in this pics. But I think these are still really cool & cool since I just took them with my tablet. 


  1. I love skyscapes! Beautiful sunset shots.

  2. So beautiful! I was just telling a fellow blogger today that I don't even mind the early sunsets lately, if they look like that!

  3. Beautiful! I keep trying to take a picture that captures the pink glow of a sunset but it never comes out half as pretty as real life.

  4. Wow so beautiful, there is nothing better than nature and inspiring simple moments like this. Just popping over from SITS Sharefest

    Laura x
