
Thursday, October 24, 2013

#ThrowbackThursday - Halloween

Here's a picture from Halloween 1971:


Growing up my Mom made all our Halloween costumes. That's my oldest sister as a Gypsy, the middle sister as a Black Cat, and me at I guess 3 1/2 yrs old as Raggedy Ann.

We all wore these costumes interchangeable over the years, I know I was at one point a gypsy, a cat. And one year I remember my mother made us all clown costumes and we all went as clowns.

There was also a Raggedy Andy costume and someone had to go as a boy! - lol

Happy Halloween #Throwback Thursday :)


  1. Love it! Found you on SITS Girls Hop. Following you on all your Social Media Sites!

  2. So cute! We used to love mixing up our old costume pieces and making something else out of them. That's awesome that your mom was able to make your costumes!

    1. yea - it saves on getting new costumes - lol

      sadly I did not inherit her sewing ability :)

  3. You made such a cute Raggedy Ann! My mom has some awesome old pictures of my first trick-or-treat as Wonder Woman. I should go dig those out.

    1. Love Wonder Woman! Would love to see a pic of you in your costume :)

  4. Aww, that's a cute Raggedy Ann costume. Homemade costumes rock. Thanks for checking out my post via SITSGirls :) I WISHED I could skip Halloween parties way back when. I went out trick-or-treating to have fun with my friends, but always gave my candy away!

    1. I used to give most of my candy to my sisters (or they just took it - lol)

      but I really only liked lollipops so I kept those.

  5. I LOVE it!! I was Raggedy Ann one year, too, but one of those lame plastic costume with the mask. You know the type from the 70's, right? (Visiting from SITS and sharing some comment love back at ya!)

  6. Popped by from SITS Girls Throwback Thursday ~ love these retro images!

  7. I loved Raggedy Ann! Stopping by from SITS.

  8. Love it! Too cute! I was wearing a raggedy ann dress in the pic you saw! You're lucky you have these pics, my 70's ones are buried in storage :(

  9. I went as Annie one year, Raggedy Ann the next, and then Dorothy!!! I was kinda hoping my daughter would be Dorothy this year since I was at her age, but she wants to go as one of the princesses. Bummer.

  10. What a precious Halloween memory of you and your sisters. Following you on all your Social Media Sites from the SITS Girls.

  11. Aww, I love Raggedy Ann :) I was a gypsy one year. My grandmother had this old petticoat that was all white and fluffy with little red stars all over it. We belted it up around me and put a top over it and loaded me up with my mom's tacky 80s jewelry. That was one of my favorite costumes. Too bad I don't have a picture of it :(
    Thanks for commenting on my blog today!
