
Thursday, September 26, 2013

PB Crave Review

Hi guys, I got some PB Crave to review.

Some Product info:

Changing peanut butter to change the world

PB Crave is different — because we’re actually making a difference.

Our goal is to help save the lives of 2 million children. A minimum of 2% of the profits from every jar of PB Crave peanut butter goes directly to Project Peanut Butter, a non-profit organization focused on treating malnourished children. In addition, we are creating awareness so others will give to Project Peanut Butter directly. Around the world, malnutrition is the leading cause of death for children under five. It doesn’t have to be — Join PB Crave and help change the world.

Make a donation at

My thoughts on product:

I received four jars of the PB Crave. It comes in these flavors: Razzle Dazzle, Cookie Nookie, Choco Choco & Coco Bananas. These are all delicious. I am a huge peanut butter fan, but never really tired any flavored kind until now. 

They are all great and my family really likes the Razzle Dazzle flavor. I, myself really liked the Coco Bananas flavor.

One of my guilty pleasures is having some kind of peanut butter snack. Either on toast or crackers, etc.


Well now, I don't have to feel guilty eating the PB Crave peanut butter. Because they contain all the goodness you want, without any of the bad stuff. For instance they contain no hydrogenated oil, no artificial flavors,  & no high fructose corn syrup. And there is more great stuff about the PB Crave (too much to go into here). So please visit  for all the complete details on this product!

Buy it: PB Crave can be found at Walmart Supercenters and Cost Plus World Markets. Visit website to use their store locator to find store near you.

Further info: Please visit Celebrity Chef Andrew Zimmern's OpenSky Page and video review on PB Crave

What flavor would you like to try?

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

(*first two pics supplied by sponsor. Last picture I took myself of the PB Crave that I received)


  1. Oh! I want to try cookie nookie. Sounds awesome and I love that they don't contain the yucky ingredients.

  2. I am definitely going to have to pick some of this stuff up if I see it in the store. It sounds deadly - like I'd eat the entire jar at once.

  3. This is when I wish I liked peanut butter because the additions to the peanut butter sound just amazing!

  4. Is it real peanut butter or the powdered stuff?

    1. Is is real creamy peanut butter - ready to spread (not powdered)

  5. I've heard wonderful things about PB Crave! Great review.
