
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WW "Hip Hop Costume"

Last week I showed you my daughter's ballet costume. This week here is her Hip Hop costume.

(all pictures c @Stay at home mom)

She is striking some poses in these pictures. This is not in full hair and makeup or anything. I think her hair for the recital is supposed to be in a what they are calling - half up half down ponytail.

This is the "ripped shirt" look, with sparkly black pants.  I haven't heard the song yet, but she said it is like a mix of 4 songs together. Only about 5 more weeks until the recital!

On a side note, early Saturday  we are going on a (12 hr)  road trip. We are visiting all our relatives over Easter break. I will be around until then, but between Sat through possibly next Thursday or Friday, I most likely won't be around my blog. So hope you all have a great Easter, spring break or anything else you might be celebrating! xoxoxo


  1. Great poses!! Shes a pretty girl. I bet she loves dancing!! Heres an invitation to add your blog toJapanese Gardens & Geisha Girls WW w/Linky Have a great day!

  2. I was just remembering my hip hop costume from 3rd grade. I thought it was so cool and it looked like a polka dotted clown costume in retrospect! She looks much cooler than I did.

    Enjoy your Easter!

  3. She looks adorable. :)

    Good luck with the road trip and Happy Easter. :)

  4. Work it girl!
    I really wished that I stayed in dance when I was little.
    Have a safe trip! 12 hours eh? EEEKs

    1. Yes - with breaks - for food, gas, (bathroom) that will probably add 2 hrs on to it. So I think it will take us that long. Not really looking forward to the drive part of it

  5. Great costume! She wears it well. Hope you and your family have a GREAT Easter.

  6. So cute and sassy all at once. She looks like she is really enjoying dancing.

  7. She clearly loves dancing, and I'm thinking a compilation of songs will be so much fun for the dance!

  8. Cool!! She looks a bit older in this costume :)
    Thanks for linking up for WW!

  9. Look at how adorable your daughter is - she's got some serious spunk. Hopefully you have a great and safe trip.
    Stopping by from the hop.

  10. Love poses of her! Awsome costume! Hope you enjoy your trip guys! xx

  11. Thank you to everyone for commenting. I am getting ready for my trip. Will try to return comments if I can, but after today, probably won't be able to for awhile
