
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Need Some Boating Supplies

Hi guys? It's Summer - right? Do you like to do a lot of boating this time of year?

There is a really cool river around here that is good for boating. I have been there fishing from the shore. And see a lot of boats going by. All kinds of boats too. Like kayaks, canoes, power boats, etc. I really want to try kayaking sometime.

One very important boating supply - is life jackets. I am a huge believer in them. And would never go out in a boat without one. And I am really happy when I see other boaters wearing them. So far - wherever I go, I have noticed most people wearing a life jacket. So that is good news. We even saw some dogs with life jackets! Which is so cute! And probably a good idea, since some of the little dogs might jump over & can't swim that well.

Do you own a boat? And if so - do you wear your life jacket? 


  1. I'd be afraid to go out in a boat without one on!

  2. My hubby just so happens to be a Marine Technician/Boat Mechanic & our life revolves around boats! So, Yes we own a boat & yes we wear our life jackets! You are so right! Life jackets are SOOOO important! Never ever ever let your child take their life jacket off when you're out on the boat. They have all sorts of life jackets with different characters that children love. I suggest taking them & letting them pick their own life jacket with a character on it they like. That way they will look fwd to wearing it.
