
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ohiya (the art of making friends)

I received some media samples to review. It's from a company called Ohiya.

Here is some info from the company:

Welcome to Ohiya, a magical place where the simple act of saying "Hi" is more than just a friendly greeting, it's a way of life. Ohiya's cute, cuddly and sometimes crass characters mirror the unique qualities within each and every one of us. We all have different ways of connecting, some better than others. Ohiya is a reminder that creating a unique friendship is like a work of art - built one brush stroke at a time.
Lucky for you, that's the only kind of art we practice - the art of making friends.

My Review:
When I saw some of these cool characters, I knew it was something my daughter would like. We received a signed print (not the t-shirt pictured below). But a print of the same unicorn showing below. My daughter hung it up in her room. Cute! I guess he's eating clouds and you can see what is coming out the back - lol.

We also received some stickers and some pins with some of the other characters. Such as Zoomipop, Zombuddiez, Mythtaken, Katinja and rock band Smooch.
My daughter particularly likes the Zombuddiez Characters. I guess these guys are Zombies. My daughter loves zombies so she likes them. The pins have them saying "I ♥ Brains." - lol. And some other sayings. 
Here is a cute stuffed animal of one. (an example - I didn't receive this - but my daughter wants one!)

This one is named Koki - and it says that Koki lost all his nine lives, and now is back from the dead! - lol.

These characters are really cool & I want to learn more about them. If you do also - check out these links below:

Connect with Ohiya:

Their Webiste: Ohiya
Purchase items at their Shop
Ohiya on Facebook
Ohiya on Twitter
Ohiya on YouTube

Disclosure: I received a free media kit sample from the company as mentioned above. This in no way affected my coverage of product. All opinions are my own. 


  1. I love that shirt. A little bit obnoxious, and a whole lot of silly :)


  2. The zombuddies are awfully cute!

  3. Does that shirt come in adult small?

    1. yes - it does - I checked the website. Go here to see adult small:

  4. Thanks for joining the Wet and Windy Weekend Hop at Planet Weidknecht!

  5. Hello! I'm a new follower from the Weekend Hop. I'd love it if you would follow me back!

  6. Hahahah the shirt is priceless. And I never thought I'd describe a zombie as cute but Zombuddiez... Pretty cute!
