
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Check out this cool product - PackIt

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PackIt for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Hey guys, I wanted tell you all about a cool product I found some information on. It is called PackIt lunch boxes. I don't know if you have heard of them or not, but I am fairly new to this product. 

This is a great invention. It was created by moms! Jeannette and Melissa created PackIt. They figured there had to be a better way to keep the kids lunches cool. And they came up with PackIt.

This lunch box/cooler will stay longer then almost any other lunch box out there. Unlike gel packs that may only last about 2 hrs. The PackIt will last up to 10 hrs! That is awesome - I think anyway. Don't you? 

I could really used one of these! I would use it for my kids lunches. My kids buy their lunch at school on some of the days. But a couple of times a week, they don't like what is going to be the lunch that day in school. So they want to bring it in. 

And I worry sometimes that they are not staying cold enough. Especially if they bring in cold cuts, you want them along with drinks too - to stay cold.

Also go now to the website to order and for $19.95 you can buy one PackIt and get one free! What would you use your PackIt for? Let me know!

Check out this video too:


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  1. I enjoyed my visit today.I’m a new follower from Blog Buddies. Won’t you hop on over and follow me back?

  2. I have seen those on TV...they look like they work really good! :)

    Thanks for joining us for the bloghop today! I am your newest follower!

  3. What a neat idea! Have a wonderful afternoon. By the way, I said something nice about you over at The Healthy Moms Magazine.

  4. I don't know why, but my baby has always loved this commercial. I won't be surprised if this ends up being the lunch box he wants for school. They look worth the money.
