
Monday, May 16, 2011

Mixbook Review

Here's a great review for you guys. It's from a company called Mixbook.

Product Info:

Mixbook, a leading photo publishing company. Unlike our competitors, our photo books are 100% customizable, allowing users to begin with either a blank book or an existing template that can then be edited to their liking. Mixbook also has a unique collaboration feature which allows our users to invite friends and family to work on a project together. We offer competitive pricing and our email subscribers often receive exclusive discounts. Also, our customers love us and consistently give us a 5-star rating.

My take on the Product:
Honestly, when I first was asked to do this review I was somewhat neutral on it. I wasn't too excited one way or the other. 

But then when I went to the Mixbook website and started to look around, I really started getting excited about this. 

I decided to use an existing template they had. And what I decided to use was a "Father's Day" theme. Since Father's Day is coming up I thought I would make a book to give to my husband. This was so much fun to make and fairly easy too. You can upload your pictures from your computer, flickr account, and various other places.

Then you just pop you photos in the spots you want them, you can also add some text too. This took me longer to do then I thought. Not because the website was hard to use or anything, but because I put a lot more thought into this then I thought I would! I am really happy with how my Mixbook turned out. I received it the other day in the mail. The only problem is going to be - is not showing my husband til Father's day! I can't wait to give this to him.

Here's some pictures of the Mixbook:

Not used to doing videos. But here is a short one I created:

There are so many templates to choose from. This would be great for say a new baby, wedding anniversary, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Buy it: The Mixbook I created - which was a 20 page 11X5 book cost $29.99  (costs will depend on size and amount of pages you add). Mixbook is offering this to my readers: 20% off discount code: TOMOSON20 - No expiration date, but it can only be used once per customer

Connect with Mixbook on Facebook by going Here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using created by Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.


  1. I think it would be great for graduation!

  2. It would be a great end of year gift for a teacher.
