
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WW 135 "Snow Day"

No school today. Lot's of snow & still coming. I swear we have about 12 inches already.

A look out front door:

(c) stay at home mom

Daughter ventured out already briefly:

(c) stay at home mom
(c) stay at home mom
(c) stay at home mom

Visit Wordless Wednesday , Parenting by DummiesSeven Clown Circus & 5 minutes for Mom for more participants. 


  1. she looks like she had fun :)
    we live in Northern NY (near Canada) and its snowing but school is still open.

  2. I'm with you...on the inside looking out!

  3. We are loving our snow day too!!! heading out to do a little sledding after lunch :) Enjoy!

  4. Whoa! That looks so cold! It's snowing here in Hawaii too but not like that...

  5. I thought we had snow at 4".
    The next county over had about 12"
    but it's so icy I dare venture out to see it.

    Your daughter looks like she had fun.
