
Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Photo Flashback

Here's a picture that I like. From left to right: My MIL, Me, Husband, My Mom. 

Taken on my wedding day in 1994. It's not my wedding anniversary today or anything, but wanted to find a picture with my MIL & my Mom in it. Because my MIL fell again and is back in the nursing home. And my Mom was supposed to get hip replacement surgery yest. but it was postponed until Jan. 17th. So wanted something positive to think about! 


  1. Stopping by via the Friday Hop to say hello and to follow.
    Have a great Friday!

  2. Such a beautiful picture.

    Prayers for your MIL and your Mom.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. What a beautiful picture of the mama's!!!

  4. What great memories you must have. Nice pictures. I enjoyed browsing your blog.

  5. Great photo of you, your hubby and your moms. Prayers for your MIL's speedy recovery and for your mom's hip surgery.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    stopping by from Friday Photo Flashback... Have a wonderful weekend and here's to lots of positive, happy, blessed thoughts sent your way.
