
Friday, October 29, 2010

Aqua-Leisure Review

I recently received some products from   Aqua-Leisure to review.

I thought it would be fun for my daughter to try out the First Fitness Lil' Rookie Exercise Set (18-Inch Exercise Ball, Digi Jump Rope, Stopwatch). We got the Exercise ball, Digi Jump Rope, but instead of a stopwatch - we actually got two weights. The weights were .05 lbs each. Which is good for kids to start out with.

First Fitness Lil' Rookie Exercise Set (18-Inch Exercise Ball, Digi Jump Rope, Stopwatch)
(image from

My daughter already loves to play outside, but this exercise set was an added incentive to get out and play. She has been having fun doing some different exercises on the 18 inch Ball. Here she is trying it out for the first time.

(c) stay at home mom

She can get some strength training in with these weights. My husband said these are the perfect size for her.

(c) stay at home mom
And here she is trying out the the Digi-Jump Rope. The thing that is really cool about it too is that it has a counter on it so you can keep track of how many jumps you do.

(c) stay at home mom
Another added  benefit of this Aqua-Leisure set we received is that it got my husband and I out exercising. The jump rope is long enough so two people can hold it while the third one jumps. So we did that for awhile, and we played with the big ball playing catch with it for quite awhile. If it's nice this weekend, I want to get out with her some more to play with this stuff!

Buy It:  The First Fitness Lil' Rookie Exercise Set (18-Inch Exercise Ball, Digi Jump Rope, Stopwatch) is available at Also Check the Aqua-Leisure website for available stores near you.

Connect with Aqua-Leisure: Visit the Aqua-Leisure Facebook Fan Page - for lots of info & contests around the web.

Disclaimer: I received this product for the sole purpose of reviewing it. No monetary compensation was given and the opinions are my own.


  1. Looks like you daughter is having fun!!

  2. It has been a long time I haven't jumped rope. Lol, how fun! Gotta do this soon:) Thanks for reminding!
