
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PINT & Blog Hops

Haven't done a PINT in a long time. Actually just found out that it has a new home. Join too by clicking badge below:

That One Mom

Randomness! Thanks for reading my semi rant!

Joining these Blog Hops too:

Tuesday Tag-Along




  1. My son would be heartbroken if his iPod got stolen!

  2. Hi There. I am your newest follower from Tuesday Blog Hop! You can find me at

  3. A few years ago, my son had his MP3 stolen right out of his bookbag that was sitting next to his desk when he got up to sharpen his pencil. He knew which kid took it, but because it's considered "contraband" and shouldn't have been at school to begin with, the school did NOTHING to get it back for him. The kid got away with it, and I was furious!

  4. My son left his ipod in his pants pockets.

    Let's just say they don't handle the washing machine well.

    Visiting from PINT. Just found the meme and joined up today. Nice to 'meet' you.

  5. Great opportunity to vent!

    I just found your blog on Follow Me Back Tuesday! Have a great night.


  6. @That One Mom - my son is pretty upset

    @Hanna thanks for following

    @Jenn that's horrible! I wish the schools could do more to stop such a thing. We're pretty upset about the missing ipod.

    @won - ipod's and water don't mix I guess

    @Amanda-The Nutritionist Reviews - yes it's good to vent, thanks for stopping by & following

  7. Sorry to hear that your son got his ipod nanno stolen.

    I hope you have better luck with your job hunt. Jobs are hard to find these days, but don't give up!

    The Magic Jack is that bad? I was thinking about getting one to hook up to our fax machine when we move.

  8. Sorry about the job search. I can't believe how hard it is just to get a little part time job these days. I am in the same boat.


  9. @Cascia - Yes I'm still rather upset about the ipod!

    Finding a job is hard.

    The Magic Jack has a lot of flaws - doesn't always work (at all) and sometimes very bad reception to name a few problems.

    @Lydia - Thanks - good luck to you finding a job too.
