
Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Sheets From CSN Stores

Don't you just love that clean sheet feeling? When you wash your sheets and put them on your bed. There is nothing better then that.

Well then how about brand new sheets? That's like a double whammy. That clean sheet felling along with crisp new sheets!

That's exactly what has happened to me. I received some new sheets from CSN Stores. When I was asked to do another review for them. I immediately thought of getting some sheets for my bed. I can not remember the last time I bought some. So I was very excited to pick some new ones out.

I decided on these Laura Ashley - Emilie Sheet Set - King. Here they are pictured below. (not my actual bed - I will spare you that)

But these sheets are so beautiful & so nice. I tried them out last night for the first time. I couldn't wait to go to bed so I could sleep on my new sheets. I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve. These sheets are great -  I'm so happy! And I was happy (as usual) with CSN Stores service - especially the fast shipping!

Disclaimer: I received a $60.00 online GC from CSN Stores to facilitate this review. No other compensation was given, and my opinions are my own. 


  1. Love the color of your new sheets!CSN Stores have the fastest shipping!

  2. That is such a great idea to choose sheets. I didn't know they had them actually!

  3. Love the new sheets. CSN stores has some great stuff for home.

    I bought new sheets last year and I was so dissapointed.Next time I will try CSN stores.
