
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

WW #111 "Flower Box"

This is my "daughter's flower box."

I pick out the plants - she didn't even come with me to do so.
I pay for the plants - a given.
I plant all the plants - she didn't help one bit.
I water the plants everyday - she never helps.

But somehow this is "her" flower box. Mostly because it sits outside - "her" window.

Oh - well, we both enjoy it anyway.

Visit Wordless Wednesday , Seven Clown Circus, & 5 minutes for Mom for more participants.


  1. That is too funny! Sounds like my house.

    (Beautiful flower box, you did a great job)

  2. That's a beautiful flower box -- "she" does good work. Are you sure you're not talking about MY daughter??? This scenario sounds familiar! ;-D

  3. The flower boxes look gorgeous! Nice job! :)

    Happy WW! Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  4. I can't say anything - I have a garden in my yard. One of my uncles disks it, another uncle plants it, my dad picks it, and my mother normally puts the veggies up every year, but it's in my yard, so my garden:)

    Love the flower box!

  5. That is a beautiful flower box. Maybe next year she will help you take care of the flower box. I still think it is cute that she claims that it is hers even though she didn't help you with any of it. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. You are doing a beautiful job with "your daughter's" flower box! :)


  7. Sounds a lot like my son's garden,lol.

    It is very beautiful. No wonder she's owning up to it,lol.

  8. that is so true.. love the flowers.. Have a great day.

  9. Those are really lovely! What are those pretty pink ones called?

  10. lovely flowers,
    i bet that your girl is as cute as the flowers.

  11. how is it that absolutely every and anything we own automatically also belongs to our children? Little stinkers

  12. Nice Cosmos flowers. Too bad they have been appropriated.

  13. So pretty!

    Well, that's usually how it works anyway, right?

  14. The same as "her" cat or dog or fish -- hers until it needs to be fed or bathed or cleaned up after.

  15. Haha..That's so funny and so true! Aria thinks anything I have belongs to him lol.Beautiful shots btw.

  16. she has looked after it well. what lovely blooming flowers

    Tina from
    Mummy Diaries
    Gossip Avenue
    Travel Shack
    Game FreakZ
