
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday

Time for Post It Note Tuesday! If you want to play along too, go visit SupahMommy . And check this post also of her's here on how to make your Post It Notes. Happy Tuesday Everyone!


  1. This is our first year at the bus stop and I'm the only mom still showing up. I bet all the kids hate me .. but they are on their best behavior since I am there!

  2. I always dreaded the end of school and the beginning of "I'm bored" season.

  3. Makes you kinda want to drive them everyday. So glad to be done with that...
    Have a great Tuesday!

  4. I like your bus stop story :)
    We don't have that many bus stops in Germany so most people end up driving their kids to school until they're a little older..

  5. Give those pain in the neck kids the triple whammy stink eye. School is almost out!

  6. spoiled rotten in the fact not many kids live close to us, so our bus stop is right outside our house and I don't have to deal with other kids :D

  7. My girls stop isn't so bad. Probably because I am the only adult out there.

  8. That's a shame. Good thing it will be over soon!

  9. Wow that is really annoying. I hope something can be done. Thanks for stopping by today! :)

  10. blech! just when you were ready to celebrate...don't you just hate it when that happens?

    thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  11. Oh man brings back memories of my bus stop. UGH sorry my dear!

  12. Aww... I'm sorry to hear about the bus stop but hope that things get better for all of you next year in relation to that. Thanks for stopping by to say hello yesterday! Hope you have a great day today! :o)

  13. The bus stop can make it or break it, huh. I drive them now. Then I have only myself to blame. LOL

  14. our schooldays over here in the eastern part of the world..
