
Friday, April 30, 2010

Aloha Friday/Friday Follow!!

Happy Aloha Friday

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

Today is the last day for Harriet's Comment Challenge for April. I was intending to make 1000 comments on other people's blogs by the end of the month. I think I'm going to fall a little short. I would have made it, if not for the fact that this week has been my kids school vacation. So I have had limited time on the computer this week.

My Question: So my question is how many comments do you make on average on blogs. Do you think per day/week/month. (any or all of these?)

Today is also Friday Follow. If you follow me - I super promise to follow you back. Hope you have a great weekend!♥

Friday Follow


  1. I try to comment on as many as possible for aloha friday and photohunt on saturday, but for the rest of the week will just stop by blogs of people I've made friends with

  2. Yikes- I'm busted :) Thanks for the shout-out.
    On Friday's, if I'm done with my work for the week, I'll crank out a couple of hundred comments between this and Friday Follow. Hitting 1000 comments is nothing for me :)

    Good luck and THANKS! for taking on the challenge.

  3. Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower :) You can visit/follow me at:

    Have a great day!

  4. Hard question. It depends on the day. I go through the blogs that I follow and leave some comments on random posts. I comment on AT LEAST 25-30 blogs per day...but I'd say normally more

  5. I probably make about 150 per week or something like that. I have a few memes that I participate in (like this one) and I try to comment to all or most of them. Then, other random blogs that I find interesting or have a comment for.

  6. From FF and wanted to say hi.
    Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
    I have lots of great giveaways going on, photography posts and posts about my life too.
    Thanks :)

  7. I usually leave one comment per post, per blog. I like to let people know that I'm reading and that I pay attention.

  8. Oops, I forgot, I leave probably 10-20 comments a day!

  9. Following from Friday Follow! Come see me!

  10. That is a scary question for me! Tons and tons and tons!!!! I'm a huge commenter. I love it!!!

  11. That's tough! I try to comment on as many that comment on mine. Some days I just can't read blogs. I'm pretty good about memes though.

  12. I used to do lots and lots of comments, but didn't get much in return so now I return every comment I get plus I comment on the blogs I became friends with.

    Usually I do about 50 comments per day.

  13. Way less than I should! I feel really bad about that. I'm still getting over the feeling that my comments are dumb. At the same time, I've made great blog friends when I got over myself and made a comment!

  14. Not as much as before. I can only visit 10-15 blogs daily.I take one or two days off every week.Happy Friday Sue!

  15. I leave lots of comments but on my blog only receive like 5 or 6 per day (that's normal for me) but when we talk about Aloha Friday I received more than 20 comments and I love that.

    Happy Friday.

  16. I make so many comments the counting would be a wonder!


  17. Here from both memes. I was already following you :) I don't leave as many comments as I want to each day, but I try to make up for it on other days!

  18. Hi there.
    I'm stopping by to thank you for taking on the comment challenge this month. Come on by for a special award for you.
    Thanks again!

  19. I usually leave at least a dozen comments on blogs each day. I will admit I read a lot more than that with my Google Reader, but often do not have time or anything to say. On Aloha Friday I typically leave 50+ comments with people who participate over Friday/Saturday when they are posted. I also make sure to e-mail people back that comment on my blog since they spent the time coming to leave me a message.

  20. Hi, there, visiting from Friday Follow. I am brand new to this and also have a brand new blog at
    I am now your newest follower and look forward to your updates. Would love if you could drop by my blog.

  21. i have been MIS lately (my hubby just got back from being deployed to afghanistan) but i am trying to get back and make up to those i have neglected

  22. I've gone back to school only doing it online so I don't comment as much as I used to. Maybe 15 every few days?

  23. Visiting and following from Friday Follow. Oh wow, I don't know how many comments I average. Never thought of it really. I guess it all depends on how much time I have for each day to visit blogs.

    Wishing you the best weekend evah!

    ~ Lynn

  24. Following you on Friday Follow;-)

    Jeanette Huston

  25. I try to comment on as many blogs as I can but I'll admit there are some days that I am just way too busy to visit other blogs. My family comes first and sometimes someone is sick, or has an appointment or a softball game, etc. On those days I skip commenting all together. But I always visit and comment on the blogs that comment on our site. I might not comment that very same day that I receive a comment from that blogger, but within a week I will visit that site and leave a comment back.

    On days that I do leave comments I usually comment on at least 50 blogs. Great question!

    Thanks for stopping by Healthy Moms!
