
Friday, April 23, 2010

Aloha Friday/Friday Follow

Aloha Friday Corona

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My Question: Do you have any fears? What's your biggest fear?

My Answer: I know my daughter's. Bees! We have the huge 'fuzzy' bumblebees flying around here lately and when ever she sees one she screams bloody blue murder. Mine may me public speaking. I remember always being scared to death in school when I had to do an oral report or something.

Also Happy Friday Follow. Follow me - I'll follow you. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Friday Follow

The Girl Creative

The Trendy Treehouse


  1. Following you from Trendy Treehouse's Friday Follow! Great Blog. Absolutely love your background and you have great variety. I will enjoy checking in to see what you have done next!

    Come by and enter my CSN/Rachael Ray Giveaway:

  2. Great blog you have here!!

    I think my fear would have to be spiders. I'm not a huge fan of bees but I do love flowers so I need them around. Spiders I could do without. :)

  3. Definitely spiders - you never know if they're the biting kind!

    Aloha Friday Follow

  4. My fears are that my kids will become ill or injured.

  5. The fear of my server suffering from another virus like the one that hit it a week ago. Yow!

    Have a great Friday!

  6. something happening to my family..but other than that, snakes freak me out!!!!

  7. Hi! Thanks for stopping by & hope you enjoyed your visit. Returning the the follow, and my fear is dying alone. Just don't like the idea. I also don't like the dark very much. Have a great weekend!

  8. I have a ridiculous fear of roaches - yes, I know they won't hurt me but they are so fast and disgusting!!

    You know that you could cut their heads off and they will continue to live until they starve to death?? Most disgusting creature on the planet!

  9. Just like your daughter, I am deathly afraid of Bees.

  10. I agree with Lori that roaches are the mosty disgusting creatures on the planet, but the ones that really freak me out are snakes.

  11. I have a fear of frogs. I don't know why. When I see them hopping around me I scream!!!! makes no sense - go ahead you can laugh, everyone else does. Heck even I do! lol

  12. I don't like spiders, luckilly for me my dog likes to eat them!

  13. Hiya!

    I’m your latest Friday Follower--No. 621! I would appreciate a follow-back on Google Friends Connect and/or Networked Blogs.


  14. Here from both memes. I'm now following you. I am afraid of spiders more than anything! I'm even afraid of killing them!

  15. My biggest fear used to be going crazy... A crazy person will never think they are crazy, so how would you know?

    Now, my biggest fear is something terrible happenning to my daughter... I don't know if I could get through a Isla-related tragedy.

  16. Oh yes, I'm afraid mouse, lizards.

    Happy Friday and weekend.

    PS: May I add your blog to my blogroll.

  17. Elevators and heights

  18. Crowds and strangers.
    Happy Aloha Friday!

  19. Visiting and following from Friday Follow. Happy Aloha Friday and my biggest fear is that I will fail.

    Wishing you a grand weekend and happy escapes!

    ~ Lynn

  20. I hate small, tight spaces...freaks me out!

  21. The only fear I really have that I really think about is heights. Have a great weekend :)

  22. I don't know what I am afraid of, I suppose spiders and I hate bugs. But I don't think I have any major fears. I'm afraid of dying or losing a child before I die. I don't think I would be able to handle that.

    Thanks for stopping by the Healthy Moms!


  23. mine is snake. i am scared of even pics of them and even in movies.

  24. My 13 year old is type 1 diabetic so that is my biggest fear....all dangers that come with the disease.

  25. Spiders! They're not my biggest fear but they sure creep me out.
