
Friday, April 16, 2010

Aloha Friday/Friday Follow!!

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My Question: Do you have a dishwasher or do you do the dishes by hand?

My Answer: Yes, that is one of my requirements - lol. But unfortunately, for the past 3 days it hasn't been working right. And with my husband's plumbing skills I'm worried it may be done for. Keep your fingers crossed.

Stopping by from Friday Follow? Please (pretty please - lol) Follow me - I'll follow you back (pinky swear)

Friday Follow

The Girl Creative

The Trendy Treehouse


  1. Hello I am here for Friend Friday. I'm #71

  2. Popping in from New Friend Friday...I usually use the dishwasher, but if it's something quick that I'll need again or something huge, I'll wash it by hand because it's not worth putting it in the washer.

  3. LOL is right! YES ~ I do have a dishwasher!! However, my sis-in-law does not - she could easily get one, but has chosen not to! She says she LOVES doing dishes by hand??? Hmmm. . . always wondered if she had a teeny screw loose??!! J/K ~ I love her tons! Happy Friday!

  4. we do have a dishwasher and I'm not sure I could live w/o it. Although I do have some days where I do our dishes by hand - not really sure why though!

  5. We do have a dishwasher and with 5 of us in this house it gets run about every other day. But I do also do dishes by hand as well. Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend!

  6. Both! I have special cook wear that has to be washed by hand.

    I hate washing dishes. I had to do it my entire childhood. I thought as an adult I would catch a break. HAH!

  7. I have a dishwasher that has also decided to make some really funky noises this week. I will be so lost without it!!

    Happy Friday!!

  8. I have a dishwasher, but I still wash certain things.

  9. Friday Following!

    and unfortunately, i get to do my dishes by hand..

  10. I am so with you! A dishwasher is a must have...I don't wash by hand and if something doesn't quit get cleaned the first time I will sock I back in for another round. LOL

  11. I used to wash by hand and didn't mind a bit. Then I had kids and the number of dirty dishes went through the roof. Until they are grown and out, I won't try to make do without a dishwasher. Too hard on the hands.

  12. Got a new dishwasher like 6 months ago. I still will wash large items by hand.

    Have a great day!

  13. Happy Friday Follow and Aloha Friday!
    I have a dishwasher but I prefer to hand wash most times. I don't like leaving the dirty dishes in the dishwasher more than a day and it takes at least two days for enough to run it.
    And I will never wash my pans in it, they are too expensive.

  14. I almost always let the dishwasher take care of my dishes

  15. I didn't have one in my first home after getting married but I have one now and I would NEVER want to go back to life without one!!

    It just seems more sanitary to me - and much easier!

  16. Yes, I have dishwasher and run it once a day. I wash pots and pans by hand. I'd hate to have to do all the dishes by hand. We did go through a few months without one during our remodel.

    Hope yours is fixed soon!

  17. Oh man when we moved in the house had one I was so excited my first house with a dishwasher! In my parents house I was the dishwasher :).

    Then 2 yrs into living here, the thing died!!! Rick use to be a maintenance guy so I wasn't worried, but then the verdict it was dead. 3 years passed and mom stopped by and asked about the dishes in the sink, told her my washer was dead. So for Christmas this last year I got one from my parents!! YEAH I'm in heaven again :)

  18. We have a dishwasher and frankly I will never move into a place that does not have one,lol.

  19. Happy Friday Follow... I have to admit... I put almost everything in the dishwasher.

  20. Yes we do have a dishwasher that came with the house when we bought it. I like it but only use it once a week or so.

    I still wash some dishes and pots by hand. Not sure how I feel about it, just that if I'm in the mood to get it done then I will.

    I hope you get yours fixed soon.

  21. I do have a dishwasher but I pre-wash everything before they go into the dishwasher. Also thanks for visiting my blog & i guess I do follow you...Have a great Friday!!!

  22. I'm really bad at doing the pots, so my housemate tends to do them for me!

  23. Following you from follow friday! Hope you'll stop by and follow back!

    This is actually a great question for me as 3 weeks ago our dishwasher broke. It. Was. Awful! We just got our new one yesterday and I am so excited about it! I'm a spoiled lady, that's for sure!!

  24. I definitely have to have a dishwasher! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend!

  25. I soooo wish I had a dishwasher =)

  26. Hey there girlfriend, how are you? Thanks for stopping by. Now Aloha, and I do not have a dishwasher. My kitchen is what they call a walk-in kitchen & believe me there's no room, but even when I did have one in the old house I didn't use it much. I just think the "hands on" method is for me.

  27. we have a dishwasher and yet I still complain about having to clean it out

  28. I have a dishwasher. Somehow I always ended up having to do the dishes when I was young because I was "the oldest". I'd rather do anything than wash dishes.

  29. Hey Sue, it's Brooke from Brooke's Bargains just following you back from FF :) The first house we lived in didn't have a dishwasher so we did out dishes by hand, but now that we've moved we made sure this house had a dishwasher :p Oh and I say go ahead and give in to getting a dog! They really are great companions and good with children (depending on the breed). Have a great Sunday! Thanks for following!

