
Friday, February 19, 2010

Aloha Friday & Friday Follow

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My Question: Have you won any giveaways lately?

My Answer: Yes! All of a sudden I am on a roll winning giveaways. I have won 5 in the past two weeks. I won 4 jars of Mrs. Renfro's salsa from Leslie Loves Veggies. Let me just say - Pineapple Salsa - Yum!

A few weeks ago I actually did a post on trying to win a $25 GC to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Well not only did I win. But I actually won 2 of them. One from Mommy Reporter and the other from Mommy 2 Two Girls.

We went last Saturday and my daughter got the cute bunny pictured above. And we may go later today so my son can get his (yes he is 13 yrs old - but wants one too)

I also won a bottle of body wash from Simply Stacie still waiting for it in the mail.

And lastly I won a metal heart key chain from Milk and Cuddles. Which I'm having engraved with 3 lines on it. I should be getting that soon too!

Update: I just found out last night I also won a $20 GC to Dominos Pizza from "Cents"able Momma.

Stopping by from Friday Follow? I'll be sure to follow you back as soon as I can. If you don't know what Friday Follow is - click below to find out!

Friday Follow


  1. I won a beaded bracelet recently.

    Have a nice weekend.

  2. Yes one time I won a pedometer.
    Ever wonder why when someone answers over one hundred question only 10 response?
    Here your link to my Aloha Friday Post.

  3. WooHoo!! Yes I have. Lots of books, and some taffy & fudge.

  4. Wow, you are on a roll. I need to start entering giveaways again. Happy Friday Follow!


  5. No - I NEVER win anything! Can I have some of your luck?? :)

    Happy Friday!

  6. It's crazy. I will win when I don't even know I've entered. I guess I've entered when I've left comments on blogs.

  7. Follow Me Friday follower. Congrats on all your wins!


  8. I won a Your baby can read giveaway for the baby. about a week ago OH ANd A $100 gift card for Sam's CLub last week too.

    Nothing since.
    Sounds like your on a roll. I so wanted to try that Pineapple Salsa! that was a good giveaway. COngrats ON your WINs. wooo whooo

    CHecking to make sure I follow you.
    COme by I have a giveaway ending tonight and 2 more on the 25th ALso posting 2 more sometime today if I ever stop blog hopping lol

  9. Nope, but then again I usually hold the giveaway through my East Coast Tropics blog giving away Aloha Soaps!

  10. Yes I have won giveaways lately. My biggest win recently was from My Four Monkeys: 5 General Mills Cereals, $10 Target Gift Card, and a Retro T-shirt. Also from Leelou Swag I won a cape from Dress-Up Drawer. So excited to get my loot.

    Congrats to you and all your winnings--I love Mrs. Renfros.

  11. Hi, found your blog through Friday Follow. I'm now a follower!

  12. No, not in awhile. But then I really have not entered anything all that recently. So, that probably does not help. :)

  13. I don't enter that many but I recently won a free movie rental from those Redbox things at andtwinsmake5. Following you now! Happy Friday!

  14. Following from Follow Friday and looking forward to your posts.

  15. Following you from Friday Follow! Have a great weekend!

  16. Congratulations! Wow, winning two prizes in two different contests! How lucky can you be? :-) Well hope you have more prizes this weekend!

  17. I'll have to rub my hand on your blog and see if I can get any luck!

    It's so much fun to win stuff.

  18. The last one I won was 6 months of diapers & wipes and a digital camera. Those definitely came in handy!

  19. Hi Sue! No, I haven't won any give-a-ways lately. BUT, I can't complain, because I haven't entered any either! I guess you can't win, if you don't play. Kinda like the lottery. :)

  20. Congratulations on all your winnings!

  21. Stopping by to say hello with Friday Follow. Hope you have had a fantastic weekend.


    Please stop by my new blog and say hello

  22. Kudos to you on your wins lately! :)

    Here through FF (2 days late, welcome to life with 3 kids ;)

    I am your newest follower.

  23. I haven't won anything lately, though I haven't entered many either!

    That is awesome that you have won so many!
