
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

WW #86 "Gingerbread House"

It is becoming a tradition for my daughter and I to make a Gingerbread House at Christmas time. I think this is our 3rd or 4th year doing it.

Although we never seem to learn from past mistakes. We still got the one you have to put together yourself, we still did not wait long enough for it to dry to start decorating it, the roof still slid all apart at least a dozen times, and there was still crying and screaming.

But after it was finally put together this is how it turned out:

Gingerbread House

And after it was all said and done my daughter told me: "she loved me to pieces," "I was the best Mommy in the whole world," and that I was "awesome." So I guess it was worth it in the long run.

She has fun decorating it - so next year I hope to learn from our mistakes and buy the one that is already put together and you just do the decorating. But I doubt it.

Visit Wordless Wednesday , 7 Clown Circus, Sunnymama, The OmniCouple & 5 minutes for Mom for more participants.


  1. Ours last year turned out horrible lol! I didn't even know that there were some that were already put together. (where have I been?)
    All that torture to be told that your awesome! Gotta love kids!
    Happy WW!

  2. It was worth it! They really do look cute when they're done!

  3. It turned out so cute!! So worth it!

    I have to say, we would have the crying and screaming, too.

  4. That is beautiful! You are creating fond memories with your daughter!

  5. I love it. My girls love decorating the best as well. You can never have enough candy on the houses. Of course they always tend to eat half the supplies along the way.

  6. Lovely! So cute and colourful. Happy WW :)

  7. Very LOVELY! Every year I say I'm gonna make a GB house. And every year I forget. I have no excuse this year, because of your post, lol...but I just don't have time. :)

  8. The gingerbread house looks awesomse!!

  9. I tried to put a gingerbread house together once with my boys it went about as well as yours did, except I was the one screaming (at the house) and they just wanted to frost it and eat it! Glad yours turned out! Happy WW!

  10. You two did a great job! It looks awesome.

  11. Hey I am going to make one this year on Friday. So I was looking online and a hint that one site used was to get it to dry faster use the hairdryer on the cool setting.
    It looks super cute and many parents wouldn't have gone through with all the screaming your a great mom!

  12. Oh the evil that is called Gingerbread house... Your looks lovely and WOW what comments from your daughter... That is worth the putting together part...
    Wee Man wants to do one but so far I'm just sticking with gingerbread men and cookies...

  13. If you complete the one with "all DIY" version of Gingerbread House, there'll the feel of achievement & more interesting! Anyway, the one in pix is pretty!

  14. Great looking GB house! This seems like a great Christmas tradition you and your daughter have together. Good luck on next years house!

  15. What sweet things to be told by your daughter. I think it turned out great! Looks yummy too. :)
