
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

WW #84 "School Play"

Last week, before the Thanksgiving break, my daughter's 4th grade class put on a little play they had been working on all month. The play was about US Geography. Where they were supposed to be aliens who come down and then have to find the best place to live.

Everyone was in the play. Kids who didn't receive a talking part, still sang the songs. My daughter actually got a part in the play though. She was the Pirate Skipper of a ship. Here's some pictures (maybe a little blurry).

Visit Wordless Wednesday , 7 Clown Circus, Sunnymama & The OmniCouple for more participants.


  1. How fun. I used to love being in school plays.

  2. School plays are so much fun! It's great that they had everyone participate. I bet your daughter had a blast.

  3. Love the pirate outfit! Happy WW :)

  4. Looks like it was a fun play.

  5. Looks like a lot of fun... what play had alien pirates though? hehee what a cute idea to teach US Geography...

  6. Oh how FUN! You got some great shots, too! She sure is a cute Pirate Skipper! :)

  7. Looks like she had a lot of fun. I love her costume.

  8. Sounds like an interesting play! Loved seeing the pictures.

  9. Your daughter made a cute pirate Sue. I always liked going to the school plays with our kids. My daughter played a pilgrim in a Thanksgiving play in the second grade. We video taped it and still watch it from time to time. Thanks for sharing.
