
Friday, December 18, 2009

Aloha Friday #14

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My question: Do you ever shop at the dollar/buck store?

My answer: Yes! I went the other day to purchase wrapping paper, tape, and gift tags. And it looks like I will be going back for more soon. And maybe pick up some stocking stuffers there too. I love the buck store!


  1. Yes, My daughter love that place.
    My link is in my name

  2. Yes I shop at the dollar store... I actually stumbled upon a great save at our local Great Canadian Dollar Store.. They were selling those Shinning Stars teddy's (Similar to Webkinz) for $3.. I have been spending $15 on these guys.. I guess the Fad is over but my boys still enjoy them.. Yahoo!!

  3. I do shop at the dollar store occassionally, but not regularly. Maybe I should.

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  4. Heck yes!
    Once I saw my friend in her fur coat and diamonds dripping off of her shopping there too :)
    Have a great day!

  5. i like going to the dollar store. it seems i always find something cool and nice and useful, and easy to trash when the time comes.

  6. Yes, I go there to buy gift bags, aluminum pans and things like that. When I was teaching they would also have some nice decorations and stickers as well.

  7. Not very often, but then I don't shop anywhere very often . . . I'm just not a shopper.

  8. Of course, is one of my favorites stores.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Stopping from An Island Life.

  9. I do love going as I can find some craft supplies I need for dirt cheap. I also like seeing what new things come in.

  10. I like the Dollar/99 cents store for little stocking stuffers or stockings.

  11. Yes, love it for tape & bags!! I also bought ornaments for the wreath I made for Christmas.

  12. Yes I shop at the dollar store, but rarely
