
Monday, November 9, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday #21

I know every year Christmas starts earlier and earlier. But it kind of still bugs me to see it. I took this picture (with my cell phone), the week before Halloween. My son and I were in the store buying his costume. And the Halloween candy was being pushed aside for the Christmas candy, and decorations.


Oh well, it makes for a pretty picture. Yellow Carmel Popcorn and other Halloween candy, and red and green Christmas decorations.



  1. The Christmas shopping season seems to start earlier and earlier each year. Hopefully I can get my shopping done early!

  2. This pushing up of the winter holidays bugs the heck out of me too. I remember a slower pace of life when we could ENJOY each holiday fully before moving on to the next.
    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Is that not the craziest thing ever! I can't ever remember seeing Christmas stuff out before Halloween before this year.
