
Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback #7

I'm sure if you have an extended family of any kind, you might know the dilemma every holiday of whose family you are going to spend that holiday with.

This year we are going to my mother's house for Thanksgiving, but we have gone to my mother-in-law's in the past too.

Here's a picture of my my husband's nephew, my husband, and my husband's brother, taken about 8 years ago on Thanksgiving.

These three, can be quite the trouble makers when they get together - lol.

Friday Photo Flashback


  1. LOL..oh yah, typical of the men, right? THat's how my brother in laws are too!

    And I know what you mean about deciding where to go for the holidays. It's been much easier since my inlaws moved out of state. I don't have to worry about it too

  2. I can so relate!!

    What a great photo for a fun FF!!

  3. We used to do 4 holiday events in one day when we were first together. We felt bad choosing one family over the other. Boy those were crazy days!

  4. that's a great capture!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. We live faraway from our family but would love to be gathered again soon. Probably next year for a summer vacation. ^_^

    Thanks for visiting my Friday Photo Flashback last week. I appreciate your comments.

    For this week:
