
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

WW #77 "More Apple Picking"

We finally had a nice weekend, where we could go apple picking again. We went to a different place then last time, because I had a coupon for 20% off. This time we only got about 10 lbs. of apples.

Also thanks to everyone for your comments on last weeks Wordless Wednesday. My husband's surgery had a few complications. Instead of a 2 day recovery time, it ended up being more like a week. But he is doing much better now.



Visit Wordless Wednesday , 5 minutes for Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Mostly Wordless Wednesday at Ordinary and Awesome, Sunnymama & Mom Dot for more participants.


  1. 10 lbs is a lot. I wish I had a place to go pick apples with the kids.

  2. We brought home about 21 pounds when we went apple picking a couple weeks ago which just amazed me since we didn't have that many bags of apples -- but they were really big! It looks like you had a great time, wonderful photos!

  3. Looks like a great time! Love apple picking.

    Glad to hear your husband is feeling better.

  4. Oh how fun! That last photo is such a good one of the two of them. :)

  5. Love the photo of both of them... I swear each time I see them they look older and older... I can't believe you are out of apples already! Or was this just for fun and extra....

  6. It looks fun! I've never done it but I'd like to!

  7. Yikes on the complications to the surgery. Glad he is doing well now. I love apple picking. I want to go one more time. Maybe this Sunday.

  8. We just can't seem to get enough of that apple-picking either! Looks like your kids love it!

    Glad to hear your husband is on the mends!

  9. What a wonderful experience! I can't wait to take my girls apple picking!

    Happy WW!

  10. Wow, great post! Those apples makes me want to make some pie! Hope you have a wonderful WW.

  11. Love the photos you have cute children there.

  12. We still have to go picking - can't pass up a Fall without making apple butter!! Hopefully the weather will work for us next week.

  13. What type of apples did you get? Honeycrisp is our fav!

  14. Love the pictures...Just out blog hopping on this rainy night. Enjoyed reading yours...Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song...and enter a great giveaway.

  15. Glad to hear that your husband is doing much better now. Those apples that your son was holding were very big and they looked sweet and crunchy.

  16. Yummy apples and great pictures! Glad your husband is doing better :)
