
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WW #72 "Sand Castle"

Last Friday we went to the beach. Everyone made a sand castle. Here's my daughter with it:


Then the tide started coming in. They wanted to protect this sand castle at all costs. Here they are busy building a wall and trenches to keep the tide away from it.


Here's a picture of the sand castle and wall. This isn't even the finished product. I should have gotten a picture of that. By the time they were done the wall was built way up (even more then shown here)


They even used some seaweed to stack up the wall. Yea! The tide came pretty close at some points, but the sand castle survived high tide!

Visit Wordless Wednesday , 5 minutes for Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Mostly Wordless Wednesday at Ordinary and Awesome, Sunnymama & Mom Dot for more participants.


  1. How fun! I haven't made a sand castle in so long that I can't even remember when the last time I made one was. haha

    I love the new header!! They sure are getting older, huh?

  2. Woo Hoo! great pictures with tons of FUN! My kiddos can practically live on the beach and thank god we have one very very close lets just say its outside! We love it!
    Have a Lovely♥WW!

  3. Wow! Your daughter has really long legs! Sand castle building is a big hit at my house too, even if we have to do it in the sandbox.

    Happy WW

  4. Very cute! Protect the sand castle at all costs! : )

  5. Great castle and cool that it survived the tide! Happy WW :)

  6. Great job on the castle! We did not go to the beach even once this summer :(

  7. They did a good job on the sand castle!

  8. Looks like she had a lot of fun!

  9. Oh that looks like so much fun. What beach did you go to? I haven't seen sand that color before.

  10. Looks like a lot of fun, just love the beach, & sandcastles.
