
Friday, May 15, 2009

VGNO - I Won!


I was excited last night to find out I had won the giveaway from Ann! I won the Happy Mom Bundle from Knock Knock! I never win anything! Thanks Ann.

If you were to have a candy bar named after you what would it be called? Just for fun follow the guide below to create your candy bar name. Ex. If your first name starts with an 'A' and your last name starts with an 'H' your candy bar would be called "Sweet Confection". Try it out.

Your First Name
A - C = Sweet
D - F = Honey
G - I = Lucious
J - L = Sugar
M - O = Precious
P - R = Savory
S - U = Delightful
V - Z = Heavenly

Your Last Name
A - C = BonBon
D - F = Tart
G - I = Confection
J - L = Chunk
M - O = Honey
P - R = Blossom
S - U = Bits
V - Z = Buns

My candy bar would be called Delightful BonBon.

When I was in college a drink my friends and I used to like was Sex On The Beach.

1 1/2 oz vodka1/2 oz peach schnapps2 oz cranberry juice2 oz orange juice
Add vodka and peach schnapps to a highball glass over ice. Fill with equal measures of cranberry juice and orange juice, and stir.

Which then reminded me of my best friend from college, Julie and our favorite song. Ice Ice Baby! I found out recently that she's getting married in October! Yea!


  1. Sweet Bits. Congratulations on your prize win!

  2. I love your candy bar name! I wound up with Honey Tart. I know, weird. Congrats on winning, too!

    Happy VGNO!

  3. Congrats on winning! Yeah! Sounds like super fun and love the Candy name too :)

    Thanks for stopping by my giveaway :)

  4. Congrats on the win and happy VGNO!
    I hope you are able to get lots of comments in :)
    If you are able to hit 500, I'll have an award for that too :)
    Happy commenting

  5. Congrats on winning!!Hope you have great VGNO!!!!!

  6. Congrats on winning. Happy VGNO!

  7. Congrats on your win! HAPPY VGNO

  8. Lucky girl! Congratulations and have a great VGNO!

  9. Woo hoo!!! Congrats on the win!

    Happy VGNO!

  10. Delightful Bits, my husband will love that one...

    Enjoy your weekend :D

  11. Congrats sue, its really cool joining contest and giveaways especially if we won hmmm.
    I like your candy name. so mine is Delightful Buns

  12. I'm Sweet Honey. How 'bout that? Sounds pretty awesome to moi!

  13. Congrats on the win!! Now I am going to have that song in my head all night. But I am enjoying it anyway!! Brings me back!! :)

  14. congrats on the win.....and when I was younger, it wasnt about the candy bar, it was "if you were a drag queen, what would your name be?"

    mine is sugar

    Vanilla Ice, isnt he some spokeman on MTV or something now...or is that someone else? but either ice baby.

  15. Congrats on winning! I'm having a giveaway on my blog too! Don't forget to enter, it ends on Sunday. Good luck and Happy VGNO!!

  16. Congrats!! And thanks for sticking that song in my head!!

  17. You seriously left over 800 comments? I might as well quit now. I haven't even reached 200.

    I'm sugar BonBon.

    Stopping by for VGNO! Have a great weekend!

  18. congrats! My candy bar name would ne Luscious Bits..he..he..

  19. Enjoy your prize! Have a great night at the party.

  20. Congrats on winning last weeks prize...that's awesome! Thanks so much for stopping by my party! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy VGNO!!!

  21. Ya for the win! It is always nice to win something! Congrats and happy VGNO!! :)

  22. Oh man, that is my JAM!! Wahoo! Vanilla Ice Ice baby....yeah, there is a funny story involving short me and and my very tall friend back-up dancing to our guy friend karaoke-ing that song....yeah...that was a few years ago lol. Happy VGNO =)

  23. Congratulations, thanks for stopping by Happy VGNO

  24. that is so cool that you won!!!

    Don't drink to many of those Sex on The Beaches!

    Happy VGNO!


  25. congrats from "Honey Blossom" i sound like an oriental tea more then a candy bare, ha ha
    happy (late) VGNO

  26. Mine is Delightful BonBon too!! Congrats on the win, always fun!


  27. Conguratulations on your win! I used to live in NH. I miss it lots.

  28. Hi Thank you for your comment on my blog! Hope you'll come for a visit again!
